Chapter 21

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15th July (four days later)

Seungmin PoV.

We were back in Korea since yesterday evening and today Amy suddenly stood in front of the dorm and announced that she would take me out on a date that evening.

I didn't even had time to change as she said I should stay the way I was and just follow her. Now I was sitting behind her on her motorcycle and had my arms wrapped securely around her waist and my head placed on her shoulder.

It was comfortable and my fear of motorcycles vanished as soon as I was with her. "Were are we going?"I shouted over the noise of traffic. "You'll see!" Was the only answer I got. I just scooted even closer to her and could feel her body vibrate because of a chuckle.

I had closed my eyes some time ago but now the wind didn't blew in my face anymore so I assumed we stopped. We got up from the motorcycle and Amy opened my helmet. It has become normal even though I knew how to open and close my helmet now, I much prefer her to do it. "So were are we?" I looked around the parking lot we were standing on but couldn't see any attraction except for the forest near by.

"Just follow me!" She took my hands and interwinded our fingers before starting to walk towards the forest. A few other people were on this path and after a few minutes we came to an opening and I saw where she took me to.

"You took me to an open-air cinema?" She nodded and grined while biting her lip shyly. I pressed a quick kiss to her cheek and mumbled a "Thank you" in her ear. In front of us was a wide field that went downhill a little and at the bottom a huge screen was set up. Scattered on the field were beach chairs and a few other people had already taken their place or were walking through the lines.

"Wait here, I'll get our number." Amy hurried away and I took the time to look around me once more. It was a beautiful scenery and I was disappointed I didn't knew about it's existence before. I didn't knew the movie that was shown on all the posters but it looked like an action movie. "What's the film about?" I asked Amy as soon as she was back and started to walk towards our place.

"It's pretty cliche. Two hitmen were set on each other to kill and you can propably think of the rest. I have to admit that I only chose that film because a friend of mine plays the female lead's best friend and I promised her to watch it. Thought I could take this oppurtunity to take you on a date." She had led me to our beach chair and only now did I realise she was carrying a basket with her that wasn't there earlier.

"What's in that?"
"Our dinner. You could order food to eat while whatching the film."
"That's what you call service. We should come here more often. It's beautiful!" I sat down next to her and out of instinct placed my arm around her. Only when I noticed what I was doing I wanted to move away again but just then she took my hand around her shoulder in her's and started playing with my fingers.

The movie started after a few minutes of us talking and I noticed her placing her head on my shoulder. I tried not to let it show how much I enjoyed this but after realising that no one, not even Amy, could see me right now, I let a huge grin appear on my face. I placed my head on her's and was very content with this position.

Halfway through the film, which was actually really good, I heard a quiet grumble coming from beside me and I immediately looked up. "Should we open the food now?" Amy nodded but lowered her head. I could still see her smiling shyly while holding her stomach. "It's all my favourites!" (a/n I can't think of any food right now so just use your imagination)

"Of course, I wanted this date to be perfect!" She mumbled embarrassed but took something from the food either way. "But I'm on a date with you so it's already perfect!" I pressed a kiss to the side of her head and also started eating. "That was so cheesy!"
"You liked it though."
"You're right, I did." We continued eating in silence while focusing on the movie but when we were finished I felt Amy cuddling into my side again.

Towards the end of the film I could feel her shiver more often and pulled out a blanket I spotted earlier. I draped it over the two of us but scooted closer to her either way - for extra warmth of course. The movie ended and when I slightly turned aroung to Amy, I noticed that she had fallen asleep. " up" When she started stirring, I noticed what I had said and my eyes widened. Luckily she hadn't heard it.

"The movie just ended, we need to go back home" I whispered and helped her up. "Can you bring away the basket? I need to wake up properly or else I won't be able to drive us." I nodded and kissed her forehead before walking away with the basket in hand. I realised that kissing her randomly on the cheek or the forehead has become almost too natural and I wondered if it bothered her as we were not an official couple yet. She would have probably said something then and she also acted very couply towards me ignoring the inofficial part.

I really need to change the inofficial into official soon.

~ I'm on vacation so I here is the delayed update because I almost forgot
~another short filler chapter like I said
~the next one will propably be longer again

~until the next chapter

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