Chapter 2

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third person PoV.

"Manager-nim just told me that our new choreographer will arrive any minute. So behave guys!", Chan told the group that was sitting on the ground in their practice room. "Great. Can't wait!", Minho said Sarcasm dripping heavily in his voice. "Minho-hyung!", Jisung exclaimed, sounding like he was done with the olders whining. "What did I do now?" Minho defended, " You know how long it took me to convince our old choreographer to let me help him in doing the choreos. I just don't want to go through that hassle again! Besides I find it totally stupid to fire our old teacher just because he focused a little more on his family."

"We all get it Minho but that's not the fault of our new teacher. Just be open towards it, please?" Chan said calmly not wanting to upset the other any further. Minho just huffed but didn't say anything in return.

"Isn't it weird though?", Changbin suddenly asked. Everyone looked at him confused at what he meant. "I mean neither manager-nim nor any other staff member told us anything about whoever it will be. Why?" He had a point no one knew the answer to. "I'm sure there was a reason we will find out later", Seungmin concluded not bothering to go deeper into that topic right now. Yes, he was suspicious of exactly that too since they heard the news but he decided to just see what will come.

In that exact moment a light knock was heard and the door slowly opened.As soon as the door was fully opened someone stepped into the room bowing at the sight of the boys who had just stood up and also bowed.

Jisung PoV. (a/n I know it is a xseungmin book but Han still plays a kinda big role)

To my surprise and I think everyone else's too it was a girl who had just entered. She seemed still pretty young if I had to guess probably even younger than me. I had to admit that she was beautiful with her blonde curls which where up in a high pony-tale. Don't get me wrong I wasn't staring or daydreaming or anything, just appreciating her visuals. 

"Hey." she shyly said after some moments of awkward silence. Immediately Chan came to the rescue as he approached her and held out his hand for her to shake. "I'm Bang Chan but you probably already know that" She let out a slight chuckle taking Chan's hand. "I'm Amy Park or Park Yunai, nice to meet you." Just to be polite, we all said our names and shook her hand which was kind of awkward as it took some time to greet all of us.

"How about you just introduce yourself? I guess you already know pretty much about us, knowing that manger-nim likes to give every staff member a prep talk about us", Bang Chan suggested and motioned for us to sit down again in some kind of circle.

"Well you already now my name but please just call me Amy. I'm younger than all of you anyways so I think Ms. Park wouldn't suit me. I don't really know what you want to know about me, I'm not really good at introductions."

"Where are you from? How old are you? How did you get this job? Do you have any other hobbies?  Do you have a favourite song by us?" Felix began and would have probably continued if it wouldn't been for Chan who stopped him with a serious look. I looked apologetically to Amy as I would have been totally overwhelmed in this situation but she just chuckled lightly and shook her head.

"It's fine, dont worry! To answer your questions: I'm from Australia and just moved here a couple of days ago. I was born June 2001 so I'm still 18 in international age. I honestly don't know myself how I got this job but I have a pretty good guess that just needs to be proven correct. I used to play basketball all the time and I love going on a little tour with my motorcycle. And I really like Voices and Helevator and pretty much all your other songs."

"How come you speak fluent Korean if you just moved here a few days ago?" Felix asked probably remembering his struggle to learn Korean. "I lived in Korea for four years as a trainee, so I basically just came back to the company, in a different position though." "You were a trainee, here?" I asked shocked, "When?" "Between 2013 and 2016" "Why did we never met? I was also a Trainee since 2010" Chan asked. "Oh we did meet. In 2013 just after I arrived you even helped me with my Korean. I just had a different name back then, Amy Smith."

"Oh my god, yes I remember! I knew you looked familiar the moment you arrived. You were the one Nayeon wanted to adopt because she had those mom vibes towards you", Chan exclaimed suddenly pulling her into a side hug. "I'm so sorry I didn't recognise you earlier although I had a feeling I knew you from somewhere. And I can't believe we lost contact and now you are here as our dance teacher!" Amy just chuckled slightly patting Chan's arm that was still wrapped around her shoulders. "That may have been another reason why I took the job, I really wanted to see you again."

"Are we finished with this happy family reunion?" Minho interrupted obviously annoyed. I shot him a glare but he just shrugged at me, continuing to glare at Amy. "Right sorry!" the girl said pulling away from Chan entirely who just rolled his eyes at Minho. "I guess if Channie-hyung likes you, I approve of you as our new choreographer!" Felix stated, making Amy smile again.

Chan continued telling stories about their time together as Trainees with us giving comments from time to time. Suddenly Minho stood up and left the room without another word. Chan just looked at me and I took this as a sign to follow him.

After a while I found Minho in another empty practice room leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. I slowly approached him and slid down the wall right next to him. I cautiously put my hand on his shoulder. "Hyung? What happened?" "I don't like her!" I knew he had difficulties with accepting the fact of a new dance teacher but I was still a little but surprised that he was this straight forward.

"Why? She has done nothing wrong!" "I just don't like her and now I have to listen to her and do what she says when it comes to dancing. Dancing and choreography has always been my thing. I feel like she is taking it away from me. Chan surely is already fond of her."

"Hyung, no one is taking anything away from you! You could just ask her to work together I'm sure she won't mind and you haven't even seen her work or dance before!" Abruptly Minho stood up glaring at me, making me stand up too.

"So you are also taking her side huh? I thought we all agreed to not liking her, after all is she only a replacement!"

"Minho stop it! You said you weren't going to like her. We all want to give her a fair chance. Don't act like you are the victim here! Because you aren't! Just by the way Chan talks about her, I'm sure she is a nice person. Get a grip hyung and apologise!"

I turned around thinking it would be good to let him cool down a bit but Minho grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry. I overreacted."

"It's not me you should be apologising to but it's fine, I'm sure everyone will understand" I softly pulled away only to take his face between my hands and smile reassuringly at him. "Thank you Sungie. Let's go back, ok?" I nodded and took a hold of his wrist, dragging him along.

Amy PoV. after Jisung left

"Does he have a problem with me?" I asked looking at Chan. He lowered his head a little and sighed. "It's Minho. He acts cold when you first meet him, he just needs time to open up to people. In your case it just doesn't really help that you are the new choreographer and dance teacher as he is also considered both in our group."

"He thinks I'll take his job away, doesn't he?" Chan nodded and gave me a smile. "He'll come talk to you and you will make things right. No need to worry", Seungmin said. That was actually the first time he directly spoke to me besides the greeting obviously but I was reassured by his words, "Just talk to him when he comes back."


~Chapter 2 done
~if you have any suggestions or ideas please let me know

~until the next chapter

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