Chapter 13

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two weeks later April 18th

Seungmin PoV.

We were at the shoot of God's Menu MV and I was kinda nervous. The last two weeks were strange, there was this tension between Minho and Jisung but neither of them said anything. It made me wonder what happened on their date.

Amy has also been acting weird lately. No, weird wasn't the right word, more like sad or always in thought. I asked her about it once but she shrugged it of saying she was just tired.

After I came out from Make-Up earlier I saw her and opposite to her usual mood on MV shoots she seemed dull. I was worried about her but I couldn't force her to talk about what was bothering her.

It was Felix' solo shoot right now and I could already tell his line will be iconic. Amy was also there so I went over to them. "Woah! Felix, you'r rocking that line" A staff member said when he was finished. "Very true, my guy" Amy commented and patted Felix' shoulder.

"What do you think of my outfit?" Felix asked hyped and turned around himself. "You look handsome, it really suits you. All of you have good outfits, I actually really like your hair Seungmin." She turned around to me and smiled. For the first time this week I felt like this smile wasn't forced.

"What scenes are still to be done?" She asked the both of us. "Only the solo scenes. The group ones are already finished" I told her. "Come on Amy, I want to see Binnie's solo scene" With that Felix latched himself to Amy's side and dragged her along. I watched them go, not really in the mood to follow them.

I went back to the main set where I spotted Jisung and Minho. Once they saw me they looked like they had been caught. "Hey Seungmin!" Jisung said while scratching his neck. "What is going on here?"
"Nothing, nothing, don't worry" Minho pulled Jisung behing himself and smiled at me shortly before leaving my sight.

"Hey Hyunjin, Jeongin! Wait up!" I ran towards the two. "Have you also noticed how everyone is acting strange recently?" "Who do you mean with everyone?" I.N asked while tilting his head.
"Minho and Jisung and Amy"
"Yeah, I'm sure it's nothing or they will come around when they're ready" Hyunjin answered "We have to go to the other tent now though, we have a bet going on" He smirked towards I.N and sprinted away. "Hey you cheater, sorry Minnie, bye" and he left too.

Great, everyone had something to do and I was left out, just great. "Seungmin, you okay there?" I heard Chan call and seconds later he stood next to me. "Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry. Have you already finished your shooting?"
"Yup but I can see that something is bothering. Now spill."
"I'm just wondering why Minho and Jisung and also Amy have been acting strange."
"I have no idea about Jisung and Minho and what exactly happened on their date but I have a pretty good guess what's bothering Amy."

"What is it? I'm worried about her."
"It's not my place to tell you and besides I'm not even sure if that's the cause. Let's just say this isn't the first time she acted like this. When we were training she also had this sad-time, it might be because of the same reason. Back then she opened up as soon as she was ready too, I'm sure this time it will also be like that. Now come on, the whole shoot is almost finished and we planned to have a little celebration at the dorm. Together with Amy" He said winking at the last part.

I rolled my eyes but once again I was extremely thankful that Chan was our leader.

Just like he said, about half an hour later we were sitting in the van on the way back to the dorm. "I'll already order now, so we don't have to wait too long" Hyunjin stated and pulled out his phone. All of us said our order when Jisung reminded us that we also needed to order something for Amy. "How about we call her to ask what she wants?" Hyunjin suggested.

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