Chapter 17

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the next morning

third person PoV.

"Be quiet! You'll wake them up" A whisper-yell was heard in Seungmin and Hyunjin's room. "It was your idea to take photos of them in the first place!" A deep whisper answered. "Guys, your task was to wake them up because we need to leave soon." A third person seemed to have entered the room. Chan placed his hands on the twin's shoulders and gently pushed them out of the room. "Get ready, you two. Your boyfriends are waiting."

"I don't even have-" The rest of Felix' protest wasn't heard as he was dragged out of the room by Jisung who happily went to his boyfriend.

"Seungmin, Amy you need to wake up, we have to leave soon." Chan spoke to the sleeping pair but also couldn't help but smile fondly at the two. Seungmin was laying on his back with both arms wrapped around Amy's waist who had her head placed on Seungmin's chest. "I am already awake but I didn't want to move. It is comfortable and who know if I can ever have it again." Seungmin whispered but the sadness laced in his voice was noticeable.

"We can talk about that later if you want" Chan suggested and sent Seungmin a sad smile. The latter just nodded and slowly removed his arms from around Amy. He placed her head on the pillow and sat up. "Amy, you need to wake up, we have to go soon." He stroked Amy's arm until she started stirring. "What time is it?" She mumbled, rubbing her eyes and also sitting up. "8 am but we need to leave in half an hour." Chan answered her and left the room afterwards.

"Do you want to stop by your apartment? It's on the way either way." Seungmin asked while climbing out of the bed. "If that doesn't cause too much trouble, yes please." The older nodded and went to notify Chan.

Twenty minutes later everyone was sitting in the cars. One would directly go to the canoe rental while the other one would stop shortly at Amy's apartment.

"I don't want to stress you but you have five minutes" Minho announced when they parked the car. Amy sprung out of the car and not even four minutes later she was sitting back in her seat. "That was actually fast." Minho realised with a look at his watch. "It's a prejudice that girls take long to get ready." She said while she tied her hair up.

Seungmin PoV.

After a short ride we arrived at the rental and the energetic twins sprung out of the car and ran to the shore. I went out after Amy and made up my mind to stick to her side for today. Feelings aside, together with her in a canue we were least likely to drown.

"We have three canues with each three seats so we need to split in three teams" Chan announced and fixed his sunglasses that were dangling from his shirt.

"It's warm!" Jisung complained and removed Minho's arm from around him, "If you keep touching me, I'll melt away!" The second he stopped talking he started running away from Minho who immediately chased him.

"Didn't he just complain about the heat? And now he is running?!" Jeongin muttered but also removed the sweat from his forehead.

"It is really warm today, I think about 30 degree Celsius (86 fahrenheit)" Amy said and made a knot in her shirt so it wasn't hanging to low. Just now I realised that she looked different from usual. She wore shorts and a top which, with the knot, was exposing a part of her stomach were I could see the faint outline of abs. During practice she wasn't allowed to wear short sleeves or shorts but she looked really hot in them.

By now Minsung came back holding hands and smiling brightly at each other. "The couple is back!" Jeongin announced unenthusiastically.
Immediately Minho put Jeongin into a headlock, "The maknae will go on a canue with Jisung and I so he can enjoy feeling single even longer." Jengin groaned but didn't actually put effort in changing the teams.

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