Chapter 23

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A/N: second part of the date (4112 words)

Seungmin PoV.
We arrived at the skating park and Amy immediately looked at me in disbelief.
"I can't stand on a skateboard. I'll fall down!"

"I know. You told me that once and that's exactly the reason we are here today: to make it cliche." Based on Amy's expression I could see she had a guess about what I meant.

I went to the back of my car and took out my skateboard before going back to Amy. "I'm not going to stand on that!" She exclaimed again. "You got me to get on a motorcycle of which I was really afraid. And why are you so against skating? You literally drive a motorcycle which is much more dangerous!"

"My brothers dared me to ride one when I was ten. I fell down and broke my left arm. Right then I swore myself to never get on a skateboard ever again. It might seem like a drastic decision but my ten year old and 19 year old self thought it was the right one."

"Maybe it is time to overcome your fear. I'll be right next to you the whole time, I won't let you fall."
"Do you promise?" She asked staring at the board vaguely. "I promise!

"Let's go!"

I took her hand and lead her to the pavement before placing the board on the ground between us. I took both of her hands in mine and with slightly shaking hands Amy took a step on the board. When she stood on top of it stable enough she looked up and grinned proudly like she already achieved something.

"Good. See, I'm here. You're not unwanted moving as long as I'm holding you." I slowly started walking sideways, pulling her and the board along.

At the beginning I could sense her uncertainness because she was grabbing tightly onto my hands but her confidence slowly came back with every step I took.
"Are you ready to go a bit downhill?"
"NO!" She yelped and her grip immediately tightened.

"Alright, alright. I won't do anything you're not comfortable with. Relax, we got all the time." I reassured her and guided her on the board back to our start.

"If you really are going to catch me if I should fall down then I guess I'm ready to go a little downhill." I smiled proudly at her because she was overcoming her fear. Even though she thought of it as a childish fear, I was truly proud of her.

"You got me right?" Amy asked one last time when we reached the edge. "Always"
It wasn't really steep but I still kept my hands held up near her waist.

With her foot she pushed the board a little forward causing it to gain more speed on his own. The second that happened her hands found their way back to mine and gripped them tightly. I needed to jog a little but I didn't care as long as I could make sure Amy was safe.

Suddenly the board hit a little rock on the floor causing it to abruptly stop. Amy, who wasn't expecting that, lost her balance and fell of the board.
Immediately I wrapped one arm around her waist, the other just below her shoulder blades and pressed her tightly against my body. The board rolled down a few more metres before coming to a stop but Amy was much more important right now.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She has her head pressed against my chest and her hands were gripping on the back of my shirt.
I stroked my fingers through her hair in a way to calm her down.

After a few seconds I pushed her away gently to look at her face. I caressed her cheek while seeing the still shocked expression in her face. "I know you think that you are reacting overly dramatic right now but you aren't. When you already hurt yourself in the past it is normal to react more sensitive in that situation so please don't beat yourself up over it" I whispered and pressed a kiss to her forehead to underline my statement.

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