Robert Plant#1

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Warning: Slight Swearing & Adultery

{Y/n's POV}

How do I managed to wake up, get up from bed, and start my day? I don't know. I wish I knew. I guess because I don't want to be seen weak. I can't, and I shouldn't. But it's killing me. Every single day, I'm dying slowly.

I have to act as if nothing is wrong, that I'm happy. I'm not. How can I? Robert, the man I married, the man who has my heart, who I love dearly... Has been seeing someone else.

My parents doesn't know this, or my friends. Maybe his friends know. Who am I kidding? Of course they know, Bonzo told me. Then Page, and Jonesy not long ago. Gosh, I haven't seen them for so long. I'm too embarrassed, who wouldn't be? Your husband, who you're married with for the last three years has another woman. Yeah, you would be.

Still, I act has if that doesn't hurt me. But I'm hurting. I should leave him, but I love him. I should confront him, but I don't want to lose him. Damn you, Plant. I hate that I love you, and damn that tramp.

The world knows he's married to me, yet she let him be in her life. Robert, my love, how could you? I cooked for you, do your laundry, I give you everything I can offered you, I showed my love to you. I state my reasons on why I love you. I left my old life for you, can't you see? I did it for you, my love. Yet, you have another woman. What did I do to deserve this?

What does she has that I don't? Am I boring, not attractive enough? I'm sorry, but when someone finds out their partner, who's supposed to be faithful has another person.

That other significant tends to stress out, and have lack of sleep. They wouldn't look their best anymore, they're depressed. I'm depressed. Everyday Robert, you're killing me. I can hear how you tried to be quiet when you talk to your lover on the phone, your clothes smells like her perfume.

The audacity you have when I see a scratch on your back, you don't even try to hide it anymore. I think you know that I know. You don't have guts to confessed to me, you want me to say something first. I always do. Coward.

"Robert, I know you're cheating on me. You have been, for months now. Jimmy, Jonesy, and Bonzo told me." I said emotionless. Robert who was sitting on the couch, looking at the floor. "It's embarrassing really, I think the whole world knows. It's more embarrassing when I didn't say anything until now, I made myself look like a fool."

Robert didn't say anything, he was still staring at the ground. "I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for you. I tried, really. I guess that wasn't enough. I was never enough, right?" I whispered.

My voice tremble, I wanted to cry. Hit him, slapped him. I couldn't. My anger is gone, I'm just numb. Again, he didn't say a word or even looked at me. I sigh, "Pity." I grabbed my purse and head to the door. I twist the knob to opened the door. "It's ok though, you're no longer enough for me to stay." Those were my final words I said to him and I shut the door after I stepped out.

I head to my car, start the engine, and drove away. Never looking back. Not a single tear fell from my eyes, I'm no longer heartbroken. I'm no longer drying anymore, I'm free. Well, I still have to divorce him.

But soon, all the humiliation, the pain, the countless of sleep will be gone. I'll be free, free from this embarrassment. Free from this awful marriage.

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