Frank Bello#1 (Requested)

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[This request is from @iL0v3FrankBello, I do hope you enjoy it!]


Warning: None

Erick and Frank were in bed, all huddling each other. Erick was the small spoon while Frank was the big spoon, wrapping his arms around they're waist. For the first time ever, Erick felt loved. They never felt this way, finally some loved. "Frank?" Erick whisper. Frank hum as a respond, Erick traced circles on his hands and ask; "Well, it's not question. Just a statement, but I just want to say I'm very happy when I'm around you. I feel safe when you're with me."

Erick felt themselves blush, Frank smile and kisses they're cheek. "Good, that's my job. That's not a question, it's a statement." He teased at the end. Erick couldn't help, but giggle. Causing Frank's heart skip a beat. He always love they're giggles. They stood in silence, hearing each other breathing. Erick nor Frank said anything after that. Just cuddling in a comfort silence.

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