Billy Idol#2

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{Imagine you and Billy running away from the cops, afterwards he confesses his feelings to you.}

Y/n= Your name

Warning: Light Swearing

As you and Billy walk through the park, holding his arm as you laugh out loud. You two went to a diner to get something to eat, but for some reason you two caused a scene making the waitress called the police and you both ran away, laughing. "I told you not to dropped the drinks, Y/n!" Billy teased. "And I told you not to dropped the food on the counter!" You teased back. You both "accidentally" drop the food, and of course the waitress wasn't having your childish behavior and called the cops. Less than five minutes, they came and escort you two outside. You quickly remove one of the officer's hand from your wrist and start running. Billy stick his leg out, causing the officer to tripped and Billy quickly bend down and crawl the other officer's legs and ran away as well.

It took at least ten minutes to lose them, and now here you you two are in the park. Laughing your asses off. "That was fun, though." You admit it. "Yeah." He says as you two sat down on the grass. You sigh and look up the sky, admiring the moon that's shining all through the park. You always thought the moon looks brighter than the sun, or you just like the night in general. Billy lays down and he seems lost with his thoughts. "What 'cha thinking there?" You asked. "Huh? Oh n- nothing." Billy mentally cursed himself for stuttering. He never stutters. Ever.

You shrug and thought it was nothing. It was quiet for a few minutes, until Billy groans in frustration. He sits up and cover his face with his hands. You raised your eyebrow, confused by his sudden mood. "What's wrong with you?" You asked him. "Nothing." He replied. You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms "So why are you acting like this?" "Like what?" You groan "Like you're on your period!" Billy sighs and runs his hands on his hair. "Have you ever had a crush on someone?" He asked. You were taken back by his sudden question, but answer. "Well yeah, who doesn't?" Billy looks away and starts pulling some grass. "I like this girl." Your heart start beating fast and your palms started to sweat.

Of course, you play it off and clear your throat. "Really? Wow, she must be real special then if you're acting like this." Billy chuckle nervously. "Yeah, she really is. I mean, I get really nervous when I'm around her. Even though we have been friends since high school, you know?" You can feel your heart shattering into pieces. "She's a lucky girl, Billy. She really is... Who's this girl anyway?" Billy turns to look at you and grabs your hand. "You." You mentally sigh in relief, but your heart felt like it exploded and you couldn't help but blush. "Billy I-"

"Before you reject me, let me explain. Y/n, I like you since high school. When I first saw you, I thought you were a cool chick... I mean you are, but afterwards, I was slowly starting to fall for you, and when I look at you real close and started to know and understand you. God, you're such a beautiful, and awesome girl. You're just so ugh, I can't even describe it. The last guy you dated, and ended up treating you like shit. Man, I wanted to kick his ass! Well I did though, no one gets to treat the girl of my dreams like shit. What I'm saying is, even if you reject me... I will still care about you and I pray our friendship never ends. I rather have you as a friend than not have you at all."

You were speechless, you couldn't believe the guy you have like for so long, likes you back! You wanted to tackle him down with kisses, but your body didn't move. Billy was about to stand up, but you grab his collar shirt and pulled him for a kiss. At first, he was shocked by your sudden move, but quickly composed himself and put his hand by the back of your neck and deepen the kiss. Instantly, you wrapped your arms around his neck and he slowly wrapped his arms around your waist.

The two of you were in bliss, and didn't want the kiss to end. Of course, you both broke the kiss needing oxygen to your bodies. "I like you Y/n, will you be my girl?" Billy asked. You giggle "Oh Billy, I thought you already knew with the kiss. But yes, I'll like to be your girl." Billy grins and pulls you for a embrace. As you lay you head on his chest and resting your hands on it too, Billy wrapping your shoulders in one arm, and the other holding himself to the ground. You two admire the moon with their lover's on their side.

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