Guns N' Roses#3

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{What Type of Couple You Two Are}

Y/f/f= Your favorite flower

Warning: Swearing and mentioned of alcohol

(Side note, I am no way romanticizing  abusive relationships. If you or someone you know is in a abusive relationship, please call for help. You are not alone!)

Axl Rose~ The on and off couple. Even though you two have never broken up, but you two would always have fights. From small fights to a big one. Nothing violent though, well it can be sometimes. There are times Axl would throw things like a chair, a vase, or a book. You would do the same, but the things you two do is threatened to leave each other.

You two always would say that in the middle of an argument. Though it'll takes a few days to solve the problem because Axl would stormed off and head to either Slash's house or Duff's, leaving you angry and hurt. Eventually, Axl would come back home with a bouquet of y/f/f. Axl would then apologize and you doing the same. You'll take the flowers and pulled him a hug with your free hand and he'll kiss the top of your head.

Your relationship with Axl may not perfect or the healthiest, but slowly you two are learning of each other's flaws and improve from your toxic relationship to be a non-toxic long lasting relationship.

Slash~ The public view couple. It's not that you two are purposely trying show everyone what y'all are doing. I mean he is Slash after all, lead guitarist of the notorious band, Guns N' Roses. As you are a famous runaway model. You two are very popular and of course two you do cause controversy whenever you two have the chance. It gets people talking.

People will be up in your business when it comes to your relationship with Slash. For example, y'all fight. It's on the news saying things like "Slash & Y/n are through?!" Y'all make up "Slash & Y/n are not going anywhere!" Honestly, it's annoying, but what can you do? Tabloid Junkies would always be tabloid junkies.

At the same time, it benefits for both of you. How? Easy, Slash can show you off to the public view and you doing the same. Slash makes the guys out there wishing to be with you, and you doing the same with the girls when it comes to Slash. You two do love each other very much and just want to show it to the world. What can go wrong?

Duff McKagan~ The party type of couple. What can you say? You both love to fucking party! I mean you're the girlfriend of the bassist of Guns N' Roses, Duff. You get to party with the boys and experience the rock n' roll lifestyle. You were an average girl until you became a successful designer. As a little girl, you would design new clothing for you when your parents couldn't afford to buy you new clothes because of financial issues.

Being a famous designer comes with benefits too. Not only do you have models modeling your clothes, but have other famous designers from all over the world invite to their state or country to parties. You would bring your boyfriend because they would also want to see him. You two are well know for your alcohol. If Duff can handle two bottles of Jack Daniel's, then you can handle three of those too!

You two have be wasted many times before, but always manage to return to home. How the fuck are you two not dead? I guess you two just can handle your alcohol that's all. It's not like you two drink everyday, or all the time. Right?

Izzy Stradlin~ The private couple. It's simple, you both just don't like when people get into your's and Izzy's business. The only reason the public found out you two are a couple was because those paparazzi bastards would always follow you and Izzy around. From just going out to buy things, to your dates, and in your front house where you live with Izzy.

If you hate it, Izzy despises it. How the hell you two haven't throw some fights? You just remember you don't want to get sue and give those bastards money. Worst, you're a well known famous guitar designer. People would want to interview you or invite you to the red carpet some shit like that. You'll go, if Izzy goes. If he doesn't, then you wouldn't either. You don't want to deal with people without Izzy, who's a pro at sneaking away from the public view. Gotta learn from the master you know?

Steven Adler~ The adorable couple. You two are head over heels for each other. You just adored each other, you two are inseparable. The boys make fun of your relationship, but it a good way. They're just happy that Steven found himself a elegant, and humble woman who loves him for who he is.

You're happy that they give you the "blessings" dating their best friend. You two would go to the mall, not only to buy clothes, but to fool around a bit. Anywhere you two would go you two would always fool around because life is too short to be serious, you need loosen up a bit. Life ain't always forever. When you'll go with Steven to attend those celebrity parties, you two would wear the same outfits, and stay with each other the whole night.

You two would always go together when it comes to attending events. If you don't go, then Steven would stay at home with you because he rather spend time alone with his girlfriend than with others. Y/n matters to him only. You bring happiness to his world, and he brings happiness to yours too.

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