Sid Vicious#1

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Y/n= Your Name

L/n= Last Name

Warning: Swearing, alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs are mentioned.

"Oi guys, that's the the girl I was talking about!" Sid shouted as the music was booming in the pub. It was a Friday afternoon and by now, everyone who works or goes to school are here - drinking their problems away. Some people are smoking, others are snorting cocaine on their tables with no shame. The other boys looks at the girl that Sid was now pointing, sitting at the booth with your friend. "I always come here, and I have never seen her." Paul said as he took a sip from his beer. "Think she's new here then?" Sid asked. "Maybe, who knows? In these days, people from all over the world are emigrating here. I don't know why, since England is boring." Johnny said blankly.

"Well, whatever is the reason. I'm going to introduce myself." Sid fixes his jacket as he stands up from his seat. He run his hands over his hair and snatch Paul's beer. Sid chunks all of his drink and hands the empty bottle to back to Paul. "Asshole!" Cried Paul. Sid laughs and heads to the mysterious, new girl's table. As he walks by closer, he can hear your voice but couldn't quite understand what you were saying. "Entonces tus papas saben que estas aqui?" The new girl's friend asked. "Pues si, ni modos que me voy asi y no les digo nada." The new girl replied.

Spanish, that was the language she was speaking. "So is she from Spain?" Sid thought. He shake his head and lightly taps on her shoulder. Her friend nudges at her, motioning her to look back and she did. "You know English?" He asked. "I don't know, you tell me." Sid chuckle at the girl's remark and the girl couldn't help but grin. Sid sits across the girl and her friend "I'm Sid Vicious." He introduced himself. "I'm Y/n L/n." "I heard you talking in Spanish, are you from Spain or something?" Sid asked. Y/n shook her head and says "Nope, I'm from Mexico."

Sid's eyes grew wide "Shit, seems far away then." You laugh "Not really, but if we're being honest here. You can say it kind of is." You replied truthfully. "Sid Vicious... Aren't you in a band called the Sex Pistols?" You asked him. Sid smirks in pride "The one and only." Your eyes sparkle, you couldn't believe you're talking to Sid fucking Vicious! You tried to calm down and smile "I um, have the Nevermind album. You guys are great!" You said. "Eh, we're ok." You chuckle and he couldn't help but smile.

You two talk more (and your friend) about each other's childhood, taste in music, you're reason on why you came here just pretty much everything. You both had a good time, including your friend. Despite not her understanding or speaking English well, you did help her by translating and Sid was kind enough to help with her English. "Oi, it seems that girl has Sid wrapped under her fingers." Paul said as he points your booth. Johnny looks at them for a moment and breaks a smile. "Rather have her with him than any other girls." He says. "Oh yeah, and why's that?" Steve grins. Johnny smirks but responds "I have feeling they're going to last a long time." Confused by his words, he simply shrug his shoulders and puff some of his cigarette. "That fucker still owns me a beer!"

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