M.M.| Confessing

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The trailer Steve and Eddie stole from the trailer park finally arrived at its last destination. The Victor Creel's house.

Max sighed as she walked up to the door and opened it. Lucas got up and started following her. You quickly stood up and grabbed his arm.

,,Can I uh... I can I go with her?" You asked him.

He looked at you, then at her and he nodded.

You and him have been fighting for Max's heart for quite a long period of time. What was the problem? You were a girl. And you had to play it off as a friendly flirt when all you wanted to do was pulling her in for a kiss.

You walked out behind Max. She wasn't far away from the trailer. Just sitting out of it and watching the horror view of the old broken house.

You placed your hand on her back causing her to lift up her head and look at you.

,,It's gonan be alright, okay? Nothing will happen to you. Nothing that I would allow to." You comforted her.

,,I am scared..." She whispered underneath her breath.

You heard it.

It wasn't a thing that usually escaped the ginger girl's mouth. She was always brave and fearless. But not it was different.

,,I know, Maxie... I know..." You pulled her for a side hug.

Then you two walked up to the inside part of the house.

You placed everything once you found where Vecna was and just waited for him.

You looked at Max. She was nervous. Her leg wouldn't stop bouncing and her gaze was placed outside the window.

You wanted to say something that would make her feel better so badly but you couldn't find the right words.

Tonight there was a chance for her to die. And non of your was ready to face it.

,,So... Kate Bush, huh?" You asked Max causing her to take off her headphones.

,,Uh... yeah..." She told you.

,,Look, Max..." You said before she could put them back on.

,,I uh... I wanted to tell you something." You said.

She looked at you with interest and left the headphones to rest around her neck with the music still playing through them.

,,Shouldn't I be the one confessing since my death is knocking on the door?" The ginger girl said sarcastically.

,,No... cause you are not gonan die." You said serious yet with a smile.

,,Plus, even if you died, my secret would be taken to the grave with you for sure." You joked.

,,So what is it?" She asked you now leaving the kidding tone.

,,I um... Are you and Lucas something?" You asked her with a low tone.

She scoffed softly.

,,Y/n, do you seriously wanna talk about my love life?" She asked you as she brust out in laughter.

,,Yes, please..." You laughed as well.

,,No... no, we are not." She assured you.

,,So do you like him?" You asked again.

,,I've never said that." She repsned.

,,So you don't?" You were quick to say

She sighed as she shook her head.

,,I... I like someone else actually..." She told you.

Now shattered again. Someone else. Not Lucas which meant not you as well because apparently she saw you two as nothing more than friends.

,,Oh..." You sighed breathlessly.

Now there was uncomfortable silence. Non of you knew what to say, and you hot had something to say.

Max pulled back her headphones and turned her attention back to the window.

Your eyes never left her figure. Maybe she liked someone esle, that's true. But it still didn't mean you shouldn't tell her how you truly felt. She deserved to know plus you needed to take this off your shoulders.

,,Max." You said and she looked at you with her headphones still on.

,,Would you please..." You started as you pointed around your head as there were headphones.

She understood you wanted her to take hers off and so did she.

,,Look... the thing I wanted to tell you... I uhh..." You began as you looked into her eyes.

You dived into those two ocean pools and in fact you were quite drowning.

,,I really appreciate our friendship. You are the best thing that has happened in my life. You came at the exact time when I needed someone, you understood me when no one esle did and you helped me through a lot. I wouldn't have made it if I didn't have you holding my hand." You said in one breath.

She looked at you confused where was all this going.

,,The thing I am trying to say is that I am madly in love with you, Max. I can't stop thinking about you, I write and I draw and all that ever shapes out is you." You said leaving her speechless.

,,And I... I was afraid to tell you because it might have ruined our friendship but I can't hold it anymore. You are just perfect and it's absolutely fine if you-"


,,If you don't feel the same way and-"


,,And I totally understand it. I mean liking a girl in the 80s, I mean-"


,,It's bizarre and it's totally fine but I just wanted to let you know-"

,,Y/N!" Max finally managed to make you stop talking.

You looked at her afraid of her reaction. Was this the moment you murderer your friendship? Or the one you opened a new page?

She grabbed your hand as she looked down at your now holding hands. Then she slowly moved her gaze to your eyes.

,,I like you too..." She said.

Your eyes widen in disbelief.

,,You are the 'someone esle'..." She added.

Your world stopped. She liked you back. Maxine Mayfield liked YOU back.

You smiled widely and so did she.

The ginger girl slowly started leaning in. You couldn't belive it. Was she going to kiss you. Ypu couldn't move even an inch.

So her body moved closer to yours and her lips pressed against yours.

At first you were to shocked and happy to kiss back but then you quickly returned to it.

Her hand cooed your cheek and yours rested in her neck.

Eventually the night went as it was planned out and Max didn't die, Vecna was defeated and the life in Hawkins was back to his it was.

With the only difference of Max being finally yours and you being all hers.

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