Z.B.| The girl from the camp

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You were walking the the school halls heading to your biology class.

You had the most horrible lesson of the worst ones. You liked biology but your teacher was shitty and you started disliking the subject because of her.

When the class finished you walked out of it quickly and headed to the bathrooms.

But then you saw her. A very familiar girl. Red wavy hair, pale skin and long legs.

You followed her inside the bathrooms.

,,Hey!" You shouted and she turned around.

You scoffed softly as it was really her.

,,H-hi?" She questioned as she obviously didn't recognize you.

,,You are the girl... The girl from the camp. Your sister's Cindy Berman, right?" You asked her.

She nodded as she pulled her hands in her pockets.

,,The girl that always got in trouble." You said as you smiled slightly.

,,Sounds like me." The ginger girl joked. ,,Yeah, I'm Ziggy." She told you.

,,Ziggy. I'm Y/n." You told her back.

Her eyes widen and a little smiled played on her face.

,,Y/n? Like Alice's sister?" Ziggy asked you.

,,Appeares to be so." You laughed.

,,What a small world..." The Berman girl exclaimed.

,,What a small world..." You repeated.

,,So you are going to school here?" You asked her.

,,No, I just came to clean their bathrooms." She said sarcastically.

You laughed.

,,You know last summer I actually liked you." You admitted.

,,Seriously?" She asked in disbelief.

,,Oh, yeah..." you told her. ,,Remember how you set the camp flag on fire?" You asked her.

She nodded.

,,I was the one who put out the fire." You told her.

Her eyes widen.

,,That's why I got yourself a warning? Cause Kurt got you there?" She aske you.

,,Mhm..." you hummed.

,,You are crazy!" She exclaimed as she hit your shoulder playfully.

But her hand stayed there. She didn't take it off. She looked deep in your eyes and then quickly moved to your lips and eyes again.

You did the same thing. Then you grabbed her by the waist andpukled her closer.

She kissed you as her hands cupped your face. Yours were still placed on her waist.

You pinned her against the wall as you didn't break the kiss. Her hands started traveling up and down your sides.

Then the bell rang.

She pulled away as her eyes were still closed.

,,Saved by the bell." She joked.

,,God, this bell saves me from hot girls but when I have biology test it doesn't say a word." You repsned with sarcasm.

She laughed as she was still in your presence.

,,See you later, firefighter." She joked as she opened her eeys and left you.


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