Z.B.| Jealous

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Ever since you got in the camper you couldn't take your eyes off a beautiful redhead girl. Lucky for you, she couldn't take her ocean clue eyss off you as well. So you two ended up being a secret relationship for over 5 weeks.

,,Okay, I'm going out first and--" Ziggy started but you interrupted her, knowing this plan very very well.

,,I count to 10 and I go out too." You finished as you looked around the warehouse.

Then she laughed and nodded. Once she stopped you stole one last kiss and she left.

,,Ziggy." You heard someone calling her.

,,Nick. H-hi." She stuttered.

She stuttered?

Nick Goode... How much you hated this guy. He seemed all perfect and nice but you knew there was something off about him. And you knew he liked Ziggy. But that wasn't the thing that made you hate him. Not, of course.

,,I was wondering if you were free tonight?" Nick asked her.

You felt your blood boiling through your veins.

,,I... I. Why?" Ziggy cut herself off quickly.

,,Well, if you're not, I would love us to, I don't know, take a walk around the lake or something like that." The boy offered.

,,I... I would--" Ziggy began but you tapped on the door, reminding her you were listening.

,,I actually CAN'T quite do that." The girl responded.

,,Oh, but why is that?" Nick asked confused.

,,Because... Because I actually--" The redhead started but your counting up to 10 had come to and end.

You came out of the warehouse.

,,Nick!" You exclaimed. ,,My guy..." you added as you tapped his shoulder harder then it looked.

,,How are you doing?" You asked him.

,,Y/n." He returned the fake nice tone. ,,Oh, well. You see I was actually about to--" Nick started but you had no intention of hearing.

,,That's why I actually stopped you." You said winking a confused look from it.

,,But I wanted to ask--" He tried to speak again and you interrupted him again.

,,And I wanted to go and do something fun, but here am I... talking to you." You said sarcastically winning a laugh from Ziggy.

,,Listen, Y/n. I want to talk to--" He started again and again didn't got the luck to finish.

,,Talk talk talk... You are free to talk. But somewhere else." You 'advised' him.

,,You see... me and my girl, Zigg." You began as you pu your arm around Ziggy's shoulder.

"We are actually doing something tonight." You said and you kissed her cheek. Her eyes widen but she managed to stay still and hide it.

Friends kiss their cheeks all the time, right?

,,Well, maybe tomorrow?" Nick asked as he turned his entire attention back to the redhead beauty beside you, completely ignoring you.

You looked at her expecting an answer. She looked in your eyes and the nervousness that was burning in her changed as a smirk appeared on her face.

,,You see... me and my girl, Y/n." The blue eyed girl spoke with the same tone you spoke with a few moments ago.

,,We are actually doing something tomorrow." She finished as she kissed your cheek.

Nick nodded taking completely that hint. Then he left having no desire to embarrass himself anymore.

Once he left, Ziggy turned to look at you.

,,What... was that?" She asked as she was trying to hide the biggest smile to ever exist.

,,What was... what?" You asked as you were trying to hide your nervousness.

,,You were being jealous." Ziggy said as she figured you out.

,,I don't know what you're talking about." You lied as you started walking.

Ziggy followed you as she pushed your shoulder.

,,So so jealous that it's written on your face with big, black, capital letters." She said as she laughed.

,,There's nothing like that." You lied again.

,,Oh, is that so?" She asked as her tone got more seductive.

,,Ohhhh, Nickyy--" She called our for the boy but you quickly stopped her as you pressed your lips against hers.

You kissed her. An quite aggressive, quite loving kiss.

,,Get his name out of your pretty little mouth." You advised.

,,Oh, Y/n. Come to the phone." She said as she was holding an imaginary phone.

,,It's for you. I'm sorry who were you again." She asked as she turned her attention to the imaginary phone.

,,Oh. Y/n. It's j-j-j-jealousy." She said as she laughed.

You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms, wating for the shorter girl to stop laughing.

,,Well, you are mine and mine only." You mumbled as you turned around.

,,Sorry, what was that, jealous bear?" She asked.

,,You belong with me." You mumbled again.

,,Sorry, I cannot hear you." The redhead said as a smile formed on her face.

,,Okay, maybe I was jealous. Okay?" You asked as you became a little more possessive over yourself.

,,More than okay." Ziggy said as she cupped your cheeks and pulled you in for a kiss.

You lend in the kiss and wrapped your arms around her waist.

But once you realized what you were doing you quickly pulled away.

,,Ziggy! People." You said as you remained her your relationship was secret.

,,People?" She asked confused, at first. ,,Oh, people!" She shouted out once she realized.

,,Did anyone...?" She asked you.

,,I don't know. Why don't you go ask Nickyyy?" You said calm at first and turned into jealousy tone.

Ziggy scoffed and let a soft laugh.

,,You still jealous?" She asked.

,,You still redhead?" You said in sarcasm.

You both laughed and went to Ziggy's cabin.

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