Z.B.| The bet [2]

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You and Ziggy walked around the camp hand in hand as you bumped into Nick.

,,Oh... I see you won." He told you.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

,,Won what?" Ziggy asked confused.

,,Our bet." Nick told her.

The ginger girl frowned in confusion.

,,Oh, she didn't tell you, did she?" The boy kept talking as he was furious with you and the fact you won.

Little did he know you didn't do it because of the bet.

,,Tell me what?" Ziggy asked now angrily as she let go off your hand.

,,We made a little bet. Whoever you--" He started explaining but you stopped him.

,,Nick, shut up!" You warned.

He just smirked and kept talking.

,,We both asked you out and whoever you said yes to win. And I see you said yes to Y/n..." He finally explained.

Ziggy looked at you with sadness and anger in her eyes.

,,It- it was all just a stupid game?" She asked you.

,,No, Ziggy--" You tried to explain it to her from your perspective but she had no intention of listening.

Instead she just ran away leaving you no chance to tell her.

,,Why do you have to be such an asshole?" You asked your brother as tears started falling down your eyes.

,,I didn't ask her out because of our stupid bet and you know it." You said as the anger poisoned your tone.

,,Then you shouldn't have suggested it. You know, you were the one who set up this whole bet, weren't you?" He asked, playing innocently.

You hated to say it but he was right. You were the one who put set the bet.

But you didn't do it because you wanted a little game in your life. You did it because if Ziggy said no you could've told her it was just a game between you and your bother and you didn't seriously mean it.

But now the tables have turned and the luck wasn't on your side.

The boy smirked and went away leaving you all alone crying and broken.

You went to your cabin and locked it. You cried for a while but you stopped seeing no point in it. I mean, would crying actually fix the things?

So you decided to take some actions.

You walked up to the redhead's cabin and knocked.

,,Ziggy, please let me in." You pleaded.

,,Go away, Y/n." She told you. ,,Oh, or is it another bet like who would I open the door to? Because Nick already lost so obviously you are going to win again." She said sarcastically.

You sighed.

,,Look, Ziggy, I'm sorry. But it's not what Nick told you it is." You told her.

Then she finally opened the door.

,,What? You didn't set a bet? He didn't ask me out and I didn't say no and then you didn't come, confessing your "feelings" and I didn't say I liked you back?" She asked you angrily.

You looked down. All she said sounded exactly true. And unfortunately, it was.

,,Isn't it so, Y/n??" The blue eyed girl asked as she was shouting.

,,It is, but--" you tried to say but she closed the door.

,,Look," you began. ,,Yes, I set this bet. But I didn't do it because I meant to hurt you. I did it because I thought a girl like you would never feel the same way about me. I stood no chance. I mean, you are so beautiful and gentle, and honest, and-- I've never felt the same way about anyone like I do about you, Ziggy. If I said i liked you, I would lie. Because I don't like you. I love you. I love you, Christine Berman and I will fight for your love. I probably don't deserve it but ii had a little taste of it and now I'm addicted. I am addicted to you. And I won't give up." You told her.

You said it all. You just told her you loved her.

There was silence for a while. Non of you said anything.

Then suddenly, the door opened and Ziggy threw herself into your arms as she kissed you.

It was like one of those romantic movies but it felt way better.

She then pulled away and looked at you.

,,I hate being called Christine." She informed you as she laughed.

You let a short laugh yourself. You weren't sure where was it all heading.

,,But I love you too." The redhead added and brought your lips back together.

In conclusion, even Nicholas Goode was powerless against your love.

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