S.S.| Sick

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Sadie was sick. Badly sick. She got a horrible flu. The dear girl was a coughing, having an awful fever and runny nose mess.

She was lying in her bed as the headache was killing her little by little.

You entered her apartment quietly as you thought she was asleep.

You knocked on the door of her bedroom. You heard some coughing and groaning as the girl finlay spoke.

,,Mom?" The girl said as she expected her mom to come in. Usually when Sadie is sick her mom is always there.

,,Close enough." You joked as you opened the door.

Sadie laughed but then it turned into a cough.

,,Aw, baby, how this horrible virus got into such an amazing person?" You asked as you kneeled down next to the bed and close to Sadie's face as the girl was lying on the edge of the bed.

She quickly turned the other way.

,,W-what?" You asked confused.

,,I am sick. I don't wanna get you sick, too." The redhead explained herself

,,Oh, that's some nonsense." You said as you laid on the bed, hugged Sadie by the waist and spin yourselves on the bed as, getting Sadie into her previous position with the only exception of you being stuck to her back.

,,I would love to get this whole virus all to myself rather than watching you being so sick and feeling so bad." You said being completely honest, even though laugh made it's way to your tone.

Then she turned to face you. She tried to kiss you but you pulled away.

,,Hey, I didn't say I want to do it now." You said which made her laugh. You joined her.

You kissed her forehead and then again quickly pulled away.

,,Oh, love... you are burning. Do you have a headache?" You asked.

,,A horrible headache." She answered.

,,Did you take some medicine?" You asked.

,,An hour ago." She answered. ,,Didn't help." She added right after as a groan made it's way to her tone.

,,Do you want to eat something?" You asked.

,,No, not really." She answered.

,,Do you want to sleep?" You suggested.

,,I don't want to leave you." She responded. ,,And beside, it's the only thing I do." She added once she noticed it didn't change your mind.

You perfectly well knew she wasn't sleeping. She just simply couldn't force herself to sleep whenever she was sick.

,,Okay... shall we try once again." You said as you faked a big smile. ,,Go to sleep." You commanded as the smile faded.

,,But I don't--"

,,Uh-uh." You interrupted her. ,,Can't remember asking you this time." You said.

Then you got up and took off your jeans and shirt as well. Got into some shorts and oversized T-shirt and laid down on the bed.

You lifted up the sheets for her.

,,Come on, love. It's been a tiring week and you are very very sick. And it's proven by some scientists that sleeping heals so sleep." You said.

Seeing you all opened, ready for her to come and cuddle made Sadie unable to resist.

,,Okay..." she gave in as a big smile made its way on her face and she finally laid down.

,,Doesn't it feel nice, my love?" You asked her.

,,Perfectly fine." She said as she allowed herself to rest.

Then she peacefully fell asleep in your arms as you admired her beautiful until you finally fell asleep too.

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