S.S.| Party games

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[TW: making out]

It was Saturday night and you and the cast of Stranger Things have decided to make a party to relax.

You were all gathered at Finn's room. You, Millie, Noah, Caleb, Gaten, Sadie and Finn were sitting in the kitchen near the island.

It was in the middle of the party and you all have drunk a little, not enough to get really drunk but not as less to be completely sober either.

,,Okay, guys... as the host of this party I am, I suggest we play a game." Finn said with his tone sounding like he was slowly getting drunk.

,,Now that sounds like a good idea, doesn't it..." Millie responded and everyone nodded.

,,But what should the game be?" She asked Finn interested.

,,Hmmm..." The boy hummed thinking about it. ,,How about Spin The Bottle but we won't kiss or drink." Finn clarified.

,,The what are we gonna do? Just spinning the bottle all around?" Sadie asked confused.

Now the situation with Sadie was difficult. You really liked her but she always acted all mean and reserved around you. You didn't know where all this hate came from but you really needed it to go back there.

,,Okay, so..." The curly boy started. ,,One person spins the bottle and whoever it lands on have to go into the closet with the person who span the bottle for... let's say 10 minutes." The Wolfhatd boy explained.

Everyone nodded showing they understood.

,,It's something like seven minutes in heaven." You said winning a nod by Finn.

,,Anddd... since you asked you get to spin the bottle first, Sades." He said and handed the redhead girl an empty beer bottle.

She span the bottle and it started to land onto every one until it finally stopped on no one but you.

You looked over to Millie and Noah who had massive grins on their faces. They knew you liked Sadie for a while now.

Then you looked over to Sadie who had her eyes on the bottle not daring to look up.

,,Are we doing this, ginger?" You asked a bit flirty. She sighed out. She hated that nickname.

,,Yes, after you, Y/l/n." She said and opened the door of the closet for you.

,,Ohh, what of a gentleman we've got." You joked and walked in. Sadie followed right behind you, then she closed the door.

*outside the closet*

,,Do you wanna watch a movie or something?" Finn asked casually winning a confused look by everyone.

,,Aren't we playing a game now?" Millie asked confused and pointed at the closet you and Sadie were in after no one else did.

,,Oh, please..." Finn started. ,,We all know Y/n likes Sadie and Sadie likes Y/n. Sadie builds walls only if she has real feelings just to see if it's all worth it at the end. But they are both all too shy and careful. That was the only shot they had left." Finn explained.

,,So we are gonna leave them there and we won't record time?" Caleb asked.

,,Even better." The curly boy responded, walked to the closet door and locked it. ,,We won't let them out until everything is settled." He added with a massive smirk on his face.

,,You smart boyyy..." Gaten said with the same smirk on his face and tapped Finn's shoulder.

*back in the closet*

Sadie Sink imagines حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن