Z.B.| Stone cold Goode

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,,You tricked me..."

,,Tricked you?" No, I SAVED you!"

,,Hey, Ziggy! Wait up." You shouted for the redhead girl.

,,What is it now, Goode" She asked flirty.

,,So today's Colour War," you began and she nodded.

,,And, honestly, I don't feel up to it" you kept talking.

,,Mhmmm." Ziggy hummed to show you she was listening.

,,So I was thinking maybe... we could do something fun out of the camp?" You suggested.

Ziggy smiled widely and hit your arm.

,,Y/n, you know they will kick us out if we leave the camp area." She told you.

,,Yes, but everyone will be playing. No one will even notice you are gone. Come on, Zigg. It's not the time to go all Cindy now." You told her, knowing the mention of her sister's name would help you.

,,Okay... Okay... Fine." She then gave in.

,,See you in the forest when the game starts." She told you as she started leaving.

,,Out side the camp." You cleared.

,,Out side the camp." She repeated and left your sight.

You wanted Ziggy out of the camp tonight. It wasn't safe for her to be here. Not after what your brother Nick told you.


,,Oh, what took you so long, red?" You asked her as your back rested against a tree.

,,Some little shits thinking that I was playing." The ginger girl told you.

She then came and pressed her lips against yours.

You started kissing and your hands made their way to her waist.

She put hers onto your face, bringing you closer and closer.

But once the kiss heated you heard a scream.

,,Did that come from the camp?" Ziggy asked as she pulled away and looked at the direction of the sound.

Shit... you were too close to the camp.

,,Yeah, probably some kid's been caught and screams for help." You said as you made her look at you again.

,,Wanna go somewhere further? So such sounds won't interrupt us again?" You suggested.

She nodded and she let you drag her away.

You then found another place, which you thought was far from the camp and remake your kiss.

But then again another scream was heard.

Ziggy stopped and looked at you.

,,AHHH, HE IS DEAD." Some girl screamed.

Ziggy's eyes widen.

,,Y/n, something's not alright. We should go." She told you as she started walking in quick peace.

,,Zigg, if there's a murderer or something it's not the best idea to just go there. Don't you think?" You asked her as you followed behind.

,,Y/n, my sister's there." She told you.

,,The sister you hate since you were a baby?" You asked bringing up a conversation you two have had.

She looked at you with dead stare.

,,Y/n, she is my sister." She then said as she never stopped walking.

You then gave in. You couldn't keep her away but you could try keeping her safe.

Once you approached the camp there was no one at the field.

,,Y/n, Ziggy..." You heard your brother.

,,The game's over. Get in--" He tried to say but the short ginger girl had no intention of listening.

,,No one cares about your stupid game, Goode. Where's my sister?" She asked angrily.

,,Cindy?" The boy asked confused. ,,I haven't seen her so far. But the bus is going to be here any minute now and we need to--" He tried to explain but Ziggy just walked away. Willing to find her sister.

,,Thought you were keeping her away?" He asked you.

,,And I thought our family was normal. Surprise!" You said sarcastically and followed behind Ziggy.

You two walked around the entire camp. Cindy's cabin, Alice's cabin, Tommy's cabin, the cafeteria, the bathrooms. Not a sight of her.

You then got back to the field near the tree where "the witch was hung".

The camp was empty. More than obviously everyone had left with that bus your brother talked about.

,,Maybe she got on the bus and left with the others. Maybe we should leave too." You tried to claim Ziggy to leave.

,,And she didn't come for me? Hard to believe." Ziggy told you.

She then sat down and buried her head in her arms.

,,Ziggy!" You heard Cindy calling.

The blue eyed girl lifted up her head and couldn't believe her eyes.

She ran up to Cindy and hugged her.

,,Is that blood? Are you alright?" Cindy asked her sister worriedly.

,,Uh, yeah. I just got cut by a twig." Ziggy told her.

The older Berman just nodded.

,,Okay, Ziggy, we don't have much time. I have to hurry this hand near the stupid tree so it could all end." She explained.

Ziggy's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Cindy then let go off her and went to the tree.

But she wasn't pleased with the view of all the killers coming for her.

Shit, it was too late. You thought.

Cindy tried to run but not fast enough as Tommy grabbed her, pushed her on the ground and started piercing her with the axe.

Another one caught Ziggy and cut her with his knife.

,,Ziggy!" You called out as you ran to her.

You weren't afraid of them. They wouldn't kill you. I mean, Goode's blood was running through your veins. And you have non of the victim's blood on you.

You grabbed something sharp and heavy. Enought to put the killer in a moment to moment coma. You grabbed the unconcious body of the redhead.

She was almost dead. Her heart stopped for a moment. But then once the paramedics came they managed to bring her back to life.

Once she felt like talking you went up to her.

,,You tricked me..." She told you furiously.

,,Tricked you?" You asked confused. ,,No, I SAVED you." You told her.

,,You knew what was going on with the camp. That's why you wanted me out of it." She said as she untied the mystery.

,,What?" You asked as you tried to cover your guilt.

,,Because of YOU now my sister's DEAD. She is dead, Y/n. D-E-A-D. Dead..." Ziggy shouted angrily.

,,But I saved you." You tried to touch her but she pulled away.

,,Don't touch me!" She warned you.

,,Ziggy, I--" You tried to speak but she shook her head.

,,No, Y/n. Save it. I don't want to hear it, I don't want to belive to another lie, I don't want to see you." She told you.

Your world broke. You loved her. And now you lost her. You should've tought about Cindy. No, you should've stopped Nick.

But how could you? He is your family? Family never stand against each other. And yet, maybe your family was cruel, but you were a stone cold Goode and this is who you were. A murderer, a monster... A Goode.

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