M.M| Asleep

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The party were all gathered in Mike's basement. You all were just sitting and doing nothing at Saturday night.

As the sleep got you you gave up and finally closed your eyes. It was a tiring week for you. All full of school tasks and with some family issues you barely had any sleep.

Max noticed you haven't been very well this week but she couldn't bring herself to ask you what was the matter. After all you were just friends...

As you allowed yourself to sleep, you fall onto the shoulder of the person who was sitting on your left. That somehow got to be Max...

You put your head on her shoulder completely asleep. The girl froze. She didn't know what to do. If she moved would that wake you up? Could you feel her breathing and if so was that bothering you? She just froze there deep in her though as all this questions a lot more were running through her head.

Mike stood up and was about to shout out something as Max stopped him before he even had the chance to.

,,Not another word!" The redhead warned winning a confused look by the curly boy.

Then you hugged Max's arm and pulled yourself closer to the girl who was bringing you comfort and warmth. Max's cheeks went as red as her hair.

Eleven eyes widen as she realised you were asleep. So now she knew Max was helplessly in love with you and all the little actions you did just made her fall harder and harder.

She threw a look at Max who was just sitting as still as a statue.

Eleven screamed-whispered in Max's direction as the blue eyed girl just rolled her eyes and got back to her still state.

,,Oh, I see now..." Mike said as cheeky smile appeared on his face.

Max looked at his questionable and a bit afraid that she was caught at the crime of the scene with bloody hands...

,,Max's girlfriend is asleep." Mike said as he knew he was playing with a fierce fire.

,,Shut up!" Max warned. ,,She is not my girlfriend." The girl quickly added.

,,Yeah, correction: your crush." Dustin joined the teasing Max game.

,,Shut up you fools. You are going to wake her up." The redhead girl warned again.

,,Max, don't pay attention to them. You can like whoever you want to like." Eleven tried to comfort her best friend as she didn't notice she was telling them Max's biggest secret.

Max's eyes widen as she was caught once again.

,,Awww... Maxine loves Y/n." Dusting started singing as he was whispering.

Lucas, Mike and Will looked at each other with big grins on their face and joined him.

,,Maxine loves Y/n." They all started singing in repeat.

Max's face went red and she knew she had to do something if she didn't want the song to wake you up and tell you all of it.

,,If you all don't shut up I will make sure you will all look like Dustin last year." The girl warned them for a last time. All the boys shut up. Non of them wanted to lose their teeth and they knew Max's threatens were true and she will completely do them.

A while after Max spoke the guys turned and started talking about something else.

You moved your head closer to Max's ear and sleepy whispered: ,,I like you too." Then you lied back onto her shoulder, still hugging her except of the fact that this time your hand was around her waist, and not her arm.

Her face went red for the third time time in just ten minutes but this time she couldn't wish to change it.

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