M.M.| Find out

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You and Max were lying on your bed in your room. As your brother, Mike, was out along with your parents in the house were only you two and your sister, Nancy.

It was okay, though. Her and Robin were the only people who knew you two were dating. Probably Steve, too. Robin is not the one to keep a secret from her best friend.

And they knew not because you told them but detective Nancy Drew and her right hand- Robin Holmes figured it out themselves.

But it wasn't honestly best that they knew. As a gay couple themselves they didn't mind and even shipped you.

So now you were just lying in your bed as Max placed her head in your lap so you could play with her braided hair.

After a while she lifted herself up on top of you and looked at you as she smiled.

,,What is it now, red?" You asked her.

She didn't respond. At least not with words. She just pressed her lips against yours.

You loved it. You loved it when you two were alone and she surprised you with these unexpected kisses.

Her hands then started traveling up and down your body, exploring every part of you as your hands had a great hold of her neck.

,,Y/n, I--" Mike entered as he saw you and Max practically making out.

A shocked look appeared on his face. He didn't know and that was the worst way to find out.

,,Mike, it's not--" You tried to say but he slammed the door and left.

,,Shit..." Max mumbled.

You two just stayed there not knowing what to do.

,,Okay, errr..." you began. ,,You stay here and I'll go talk to him." You told the redhead as you stood up and left the room.

Max just nodded.

You walked to Mike's room and opened the door.

,,Haven't you heard of knocking?" He asked you angrily.

,,You didn't knock too and here we are..." you told him.

Mike scoffed and rolled his eyes.

,,What's going on? Why are all the doors in this house slamming?" Nancy asked as she entered Mike's room.

,,Did you know Y/n and Max are a thing?" Mike asked her as he caught her by surprise.

Nancy looked away with a guilty look on her face.

Mike scoffed again.

,,Great... this family is a lying piece of shit." He said furiously.

You looked at Nance as you signaled her that it's time to leave. She understood and soon enough left you

Now there was only deadly silence.

,,Look, Mike... I'm sorry." You began but he stopped you and started talking.

,,How long?" He simply asked.

,,W-what?" You responded confused.

,,How long has this been going on?" The boy clarified.

,,For about... 5 months." You answered.

He laughed drily and rolled his eyes.

,,Look, I know you aren't really a big fan of Max but I love her." You explained.

,,It's not about her..." he informed you.

,,Then what is it?" You frowned.

,,Since when have we started keeping secrets from one another?" Mike asked sounding really hurt.

You and Mike were really close. All before you started dating Max. You became anxious about him finding out about you and Max. You already knew he didn't like her and as you thought he was homophobic you were so afraid of losing your connection that you ended it unconsciously.

,,You are right... I should have told you..." You told him.

,,But I was so afraid..." you confessed.

,,Afraid?" He asked confused. ,,Afraid of me?" He then added hurt.

,,Mike, I--" you started but he cut you off.

,,There is nothing to be afraid of, Y/n. I am your brother, I will never judge you." He said as he hugged you.

You hugged him back. There wasn't a feeling that felt better than knowing your brother is on your side.

,,So... you aren't mad at Max?" You asked him hopefully.

,,Oh, I am. This little redhead--" he began but Max cut him off.

,,What is that, Wheeler?" She asked him making him gulp.

She was standing on the doorway for a while now.

,,So it's all good?" You asked him.

He offered you a smile.

,,It's all good." The boy assured you.

You glanced at him one more time and left along with Max.

You entered your bedroom again and lied back on the bed.

,,That was..." you began but you couldn't find the right words to describe it.

,,Unexpected..." Max finished your sentence.

You nodded as you pressed your lips back together.

,,Oh, and Y/n--" Mike entered your room but he quickly turned around once he saw you kissing again.

,,That that I know doesn't mean I need to see it." He said as disgusting look appeared on his face.

,,Then start knocking, Micheal." Max told him.

,,This is my house." He responded angrily.

,,This is my girlfriend." Max fought back.

,,This is my sister." The boy told her.

,,This is--" Max began but you cut her off.

,,This is Y/n. An average girl that belongs to herself and herself only." You told them.

,,Whatever..." Mike said as he left.

,,Oh, so you aren't mine?" Max asked faking a sad expression. Her manipulative look.

,,Are you mine?" You asked her.

,,Yours and yours only." She said as she grabbed your hand.

,,Then I do belong to you as well..." You said as you kissed her again and lied her back on your bed.

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