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The next day, I.N stayed in his room, resting from a mysterical headache he swore he didn't know how he had gotten. Hyunjin left with his painting equipment, stating that his goal for the day was to finish his portrait of Seungmin and his other project. He seemed a bit offended when nobody showed any interest in the covered up canvas. Apparently it wasn't suppose to be that easy to keep his other motive a secret.

Jisung stayed in Felix' room. He made an appearance from time to time, when they were out of snacks and drinks, but the owner of the room himself was hiding. Minho knew better then to disturb them and entertained himself without problem. Changbin stayed at the gym for hours, while Seungmin occupied the TV in the living room, binge watching Netflix. That left Chan himself, who was completely missing in action. Nobody had seen him since the party, and his phone was turned off. They had checked his room, to make sure we wasn't passed out in there, but it was empty. They had no way of contacting him, but he was a grown man and they had to assume that he was OK, wherever he was.

Chan was not OK. He was as far from OK as he had been in years. Felix now hated him, and he had woken up in his small studio in the JYP building, with his precious Aviation gin bottle completely empty. He smelled awful and felt worse. He had a fuzzy layer on his teeth and his tongue felt numb and too big for his mouth. It was a blessing that he wasn't able think much more than "my head is actually going to explode" and "I'm not going to puke." Both sentences was looping in his brain. The second one almost a prayer.

He stayed in the studio the whole day, with nothing to eat or drink except from the water in the bathroom. He didn't deserve any better. When he realized that the time was passed midnight, he hit a new low. He had completely forgotten about Channie's Room. This was the first time in about 150 consecutive weeks that he hadn't done a vlive with STAY. In summary, he had managed to hurt Felix, maybe beyond repair, but he wasn't ready to entertain that possibility yet, even though it lurked in the back of his mind, and to let down some several hundred thousand fans in less then 48 hours. He was officially a piece of shit. Bang Chan cried.

He woke up at 5 o'clock in the night, from back pain. The chair was not meant for sleeping. Feeling utterly broken in body and spirit he made his way back to the apartment and collapsed on the bed. He couldn't imagine how things could get any worse than this. With that optimistic thought he counted kangaroos until the darkness embraced him and finally gave him some relief.

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