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Chan pushed enter on the keyboard. "That's it! Let's watch it a final time, just to be sure." He used chrome cast so they could see the Maniac video on the flat screen in the living room. All four of them scrutinized the video. Chan wasn't the only perfectionist in Stray Kids. Minho had made damn sure that the choreography was on point, and that none of the cross cutting missed anything. When it ended they looked at each other. "Wow, it's actually done," Changbin stated. "Yes, and since it's 3 minutes and 22 seconds long, now I only need a second video of our practice room that is equally long." Chan rubbed his eyes and sighed. "I can do that after dinner, if you'd like," Changbin offered. "Off course you volunteer for the easiest task these 10 days," Jisung teased. "Hey, respect your elder, you little rascal," Changbin scoffed. "You're the maknae her. It's supposed to be you offering." Minho gave Changbin a pointed look, to remind the dark one that Minho was in fact Changbin's elder. Calling his lover a rascal in front of Minho was not a good idea, and Changbin got the message. "Not fair," he mumbled but it was all in good humor. Minho gave him an evil smirk, before they both chuckled.

At the restaurant Chan felt a little remorse since they didn't have the rest of the members there with them. He would have liked to have them all there – to have Felix there. "You've all been working hard today and you deserve this meal. Please don't think of it as a celebration though. We'll celebrate with the whole gang once we get Mr. Parks answer in three days time. We'll go somewhere expensive. My treat," he promised. "You seem pretty sure of your success, Chan hyung," Minho remarked. "Our success," Chan corrected. "Yes, I will win this battle one way or another." He looked untroubled, like if the the next days confrontation at JYP was just a formality. Minho and Jisung shared a look. "Good to know," Minho finally settled on, and they returned to talk about what other topics they could touch upon in their comeback.

Jisung didn't forget his promise to his best friend, and had warned Felix about their arrival ahead of time. When they walked into the living room of their apartment, four heads turned in their direction. Chan just stared at Felix. The boy was... stunning. Felix had clearly done his hair and had full make up on. It irked him a bit that Felix had covered up his freckles again, but he still looked so attractive that Chan didn't dwell on it for long. He wanted to focus on Felix plump lips instead. They were tainted pink and glossy. When the younger opened his mouth like he was about to speak, but stopped, Chan felt himself going hard. Bloody hell! He turned towards Minho, who thankfully played nice for once. "We're done. The video came out really well. Do you want to see," the lead dancer asked the four members that had been out of today's loop.

They all agreed eagerly, and turned off the TV-series they had been watching. Chan looked back to Felix again, noticing the tight jeans and the purple dress shirt. Was Felix planning to go out? He felt a twinge of disappointment, and... jealousy. Chan suppressed the feeling. He had no right to be jealous of whomever Felix decided to go out with. "I'm going to take a bath." His voice sounded tired even to himself. He glanced at the young Aussie a final time and saw him biting his lower lip. I want to do that too.

When Chan was safely locked inside the bathroom, he relaxed a little. The picture of Felix biting his lip was still in the back of his mind. He undressed with rushed movements, almost tearing the collar of his t-shirt. Those tight jeans... Fuck! Chan closed his eyes for a second, but the picture that came to mind made him open them again straight away. He looked over to the bathtub and let out a low curse. To take a bath now was starting to look like a bad idea. If he relaxed too much, he would do something he regretted. Chan didn't want to be reminded about what Felix had seen him do – it was shameful. A cold shower would be just as effective in cleaning him of his stale sweat. With a sigh he went into the shower stall and turned on the water.

It was only after the shower Chan remembered that in his haste to get out of the living room, he had forgotten to bring a fresh set of clothes to the bathroom. He had to choose between wearing the towel around his hips or to put on his dirty clothes again. He hadn't used the "go naked" option for weeks, and he wasn't about to start again. Not with Felix sitting in the living room looking like that. Scrunching his nose at the thought of wearing the rumpled clothes on the floor, he opted for the towel. He made sure it was tightly secured before he emerged from the bathroom.

Felix was gone. Chan noticed his absence right away, like if someone had removed his personal lighting beacon from the living room. He didn't ask about Felix, even though a big part of him wanted to ask where the young Aussie had gone, and who he had planned to meet. He had no right, so he simply continued to his room where he discarded the towel and put on a black pair of shorts. The room was warm enough that he didn't need a new t-shirt, and his hair would dry soon enough. He turned on some music, before he climbed onto his bed, and started to scroll through Instagram. Maybe STAY's edits and fan art could keep his mind off what Felix was doing for a little while. A soft knock on the door interrupted him.

"Come on in! It's open."

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