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The first thing Chan noticed when he woke up, was that he was in bed alone. He quickly sat up and scanned the room, but Felix was gone. And Chan didn't like that. Somehow he felt like Felix shouldn't have left without his... permission? He rubbed a hand over his face and tried to center himself. What the hell, Chan? He scolded himself. You don't own him.

He had never been the jealous type. Well, not until he met Felix. The young Aussie amplified all his emotions, and made him feel rather than think. Chan was so used to staying in control, but Felix challenged that control every day they spent together. And last night? Last night he had willingly given his control over to Felix, and it was the best choice he had ever made.

Chan stretched and did a physical inventory. He felt great! When was the last time he had a full night of sleep? He honestly couldn't remember. There were more pleasant things to reminiscence about anyway. Closing his eyes he could clearly see Felix sitting on top of him with dreamy eyes and reaching his orgasm with a shudder. Beautiful!

He had to find Felix right now. The shower he surely needed could wait. He swiftly put on a black hoodie and a pair of black shorts and left his room, heading for Felix'. There was no answer when he knocked on the door. Hesitating for only a moment, he decided to see if it was locked. Maybe the boy was sleeping? Without a sound the door opened to reveal Felix empty bed. It was neatly made up, and the room smelled of Felix' Eau de Cologne. The blue dressing gown from last night was draped over the desk chair, and Chan once again made a small mental note of how versatile that black sash could be if needed. Maybe next time? He grinned to himself and left.

He walked past Seungmin who was reading in the living room, and continued to the kitchen without saying hello. Was Felix having breakfast? Chan suddenly felt like if he was too late. He would have liked to take Felix to a nice cafe so they could eat breakfast together – to indulge Felix to anything he wanted. But the only person in the kitchen was Minho, washing cabbage. Again he forgot about his manners and didn't bother with even a "good morning", before he turned to leave the kitchen. Bathroom, then?

"They departed over two hours ago," Minho said without looking up from the cabbage, now ready on a cutting board. Chan's face fell and he turned around again. "He left?" he ask incredulous. Minho made an affirmative noise and started chopping the cabbage. "They didn't tell me where they were going," the purple haired continued before Chan asked. "Did they at least tell you when they would be back?" Minho didn't even look up from the cutting board. "No, they didn't. But they talked about playing Super Sus tonight, so I guess they will have to return eventually." Minho's unbothered attitude was pissing Chan off, but he knew deep inside that he was projecting anger on Minho, that had nothing to do with his lead dancer, so he nodded curtly. He manged to thank Minho for letting him know that Felix had left. Felix himself hadn't bother to let him know.

Bang Chan went directly from the kitchen to the biggest bathroom, ready to get cleaned up. He already had one confrontation scheduled today, but that was with Mr. Park at the JYP building at noon. Chan had a sinking feeling that he might have been too naïve. Raining in his emotions, he tried to shove Felix out of his mind for now. It was tough when the fragrance of sex was clinging to his skin, but he would smell like his usual self soon enough.

Once again, Bang Chan put his personal life on the back burner, to focus on his job as Stray Kids leader. He had never hated it as much as he did now.

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