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Bang Chan didn't have a habit of using his connections, even though he had a wast network. He much preferred to help others, than to be helped. But since tonight would be his first dinner date with Felix, he would do anything to make it perfect. Gaon had been the obvious choice with it's three Michelin stars. It also happened to be owned by a friend of Lee Soo Man, the founder of SM Entertainment. Chan had called him and asked if his sunbaenim could help him out, and the former idol who had a soft heart for talent and good manners had agreed. If it pleased him that Bang Chan had reached out to him instead of Park Jin-young, he didn't say so. It wasn't necessary.

Now Chan had to call the restaurant and make the shameless request for a private dining room with a view. It went much better than he had expected. Apparently Mr. Lee had asked his friend to give Mr. Bang the VIP treatment. That could only mean that Lee Soo Man really didn't like Mr. Park, and Chan stored that information away for later. Now that his private affairs for the evening were in order, he had to concentrate on his work for Stray Kids for a few hours. He had a lot of work ahead of him, but the dinner with Felix would be his reward.


Chan left the JYP building so he would have time to take a shower and get dressed at home before the car picked them up. He was excited to see Felix again, even though it objectively hadn't been that long since he saw the young Aussie. But taped to his door was a note with his name on it, written in Felix handwriting. He tugged it off and entered his room.

"I'm excited to spend the evening with you. See you at the restaurant." The note was signed with a kiss. Felix was wearing red lip tint then. Chan found himself grinning at the note. Meeting at the restaurant might be even more perfect then sharing the car. Now he just had to figure out what to wear. Fuck. Maybe Jeongin would help?

Asking Jeongin after his shower, turned out to be a big mistake. Hyunjin overheard them from the kitchen and soon his two band members were in his room fighting about what Chan should wear. While Hyunjin argued for a classical, blue Prada suit, Jeongin wanted a more modern and relaxed look. He had picked out a white shirt from his own wardrobe with a lavallière instead of a normal collar. "Who wants to look ordinary anyway?" their maknae huffed exasperated. "Really? You want him to turn up for a date with a pussybow?" Hyunjin shot back. Chan choked on the water he was drinking and the two turned towards him. "We're idiots," Hyunjin stated. "It doesen't matter what we think, Innie. What would Lix like to see him wear?" Chan kept coughing, as Jeongin and Hyunjin looked at each other ignoring him completely. "The three piece suit!" they said in unison. "I'll call Soomin" Jeongin said and stepped into the hallway to make the call. "Tell her I'll lend her the brown Celine bag for two weeks if she brings it here," Hyunjin called after the youngest. He turned towards Chan and raised an eyebrow. "OK, you. Now that's sorted out, let's get you into the bathroom so I can fix your hair. It looks like a bird's nest."

As they entered the bathroom Innie called out: "Soomin says four weeks." "Done, if she's here within 10 minutes," Hyunjin yelled back. Chan had resigned to his fate at this point, and didn't question why one of their noonas was on Innies speed dial and had a "favors for accessories" deal with Hyunjin. Soon enough the doorbell rang and after a bit back and forth, Chan was in his room looking at a three piece suit he had worn before. He liked it, and according to Hyunjeong his Felix liked it too. It was black, and the noona had paired it with a crisp white shirt and a black tie. She had also added a silver jewellery chain with sparkly crystals to wear around the collar, above the tie. When Chan had completed the attire and looked in the mirror, he made a mental note. He would buy Soomin a Celine bag, and make sure she got it anonymously. He had no doubt she would understand who it was from, but it didn't matter. Chan just wanted the deniability.

When he left his room, Jeongin and Hyunjin looked at him like proud parents. "Loose the jacket as soon as you can, and roll up your sleeves. Felix will eat out of your hand." Jeongin's statement did not match the earlier vibe of proud parents, and Hyunjin gasped. "Innie! Don't give him ideas like that. And you're a baby, so act like one will you?" Jeongin just rolled his eyes. "I'm 21. Not that anyone pays any attention!" The two bickered while they headed for the living room, leaving Chan alone by the front door. His car would be there soon, so he put on his shoes and a long coat and left for the foyer.

The traffic was better than expected, making Chan arrive at the restaurant ahead of time. The hostess greeted him with a big smile and let him know that he was welcome to wait in the bar or the dining room reserved for Mr. Bang and his plus one. Chan opted for a mocktail at he bar, and gave his jacket to the hostess so she could put it in their room. He thought for a moment and rolled up his sleeves, like Innie had suggested. Looking in his reflection in the mirror behind the bar, he had to agree that it was a good look. Maybe he should upgrade the Celine bag to a Chanel?

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