-06- The Han River

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The Han river was flowing dark and lazily before Chan's eyes, but he wasn't really seeing it. He just stared in front of him, while the music was blasting from his headphones.

"Never wanted anything as much as you," he sang softly, not caring if anyone could hear.

"Never crossed my mind that I could ever lose". Chan had worried about the dynamics of the group. How would this play out? Would this be just as bad?

"I know I gotta let go." The tears were streaming freely down his cheeks now. Chan had tried to do the right thing for Stray Kids, and failed. It was time for him to do better as a leader. He had to let go of Felix.

Chan would fix this. He had to fix this. He would give Felix time and space, to make it less awkward for the younger. Chan would keep his distance out of respect, and treat him professionally whenever he had to interact with his fellow Australian.

He felt his heart shatter into a million pieces as Felix sang "It's all good now", and broke down. It would never be good, not even OK. He sat in the same place, crying until there was no more tears left in him, and the sun started to rise over Seoul.

The day was slowly getting brighter, but Chan's could see nothing but darkness.

He was letting go of his sunshine.

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