-40- The aftermath

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The first thing Felix noticed as he woke up, was the warmth underneath his chin. He was nuzzled up to Chan, and blinked a few times, even if the room was barely lit. Chan's chest was slowly rising and falling with every breath, accompanied by a low snoring sound. The elder looked serene and peaceful for once, and Felix could feel his heart swell with love. Earlier he had known he had deep feelings for Chan, he might even have been a little obsessed, but nothing had prepared him for what he was feeling in this moment.

His plan had worked – he had successfully seduced Chan. Now what? They had been physically intimate with each other. Felix didn't know what to call it exactly. Had it been sex, making love or just fucking? That really depended on the feelings involved, didn't it? And he didn't know what Chan felt about him, just that last night Chan had been down to... what? Felix' mind was searching for the right phrase, some word he could use that would sit right with him, but he came up empty.

A small sigh escaped from the elder and Felix focused on his slightly parted lips. He wanted to kiss Chan, but it wouldn't be right when he was sleeping. Chan wasn't Snow White and Felix wasn't Prince Charming. He was not going to kiss the elder without consent - that was not how he wanted them to share their first kiss.

Would Chan ever kiss him? Deep down inside, he felt something rearing it's ugly head. He wanted to move closer to Chan, to comfort himself with their shared body heat. But as he tried to move he found that he was sticking to Chan. The skin between them was smeared with a mixture of sweat, lube and cum. It made Felix feel dirty.

He untangled himself from Chan's arms and slid out of bed without waking him. Wrapped in his silk dressing gown, Felix unlocked the door and closed it quietly behind him. Chan deserved his sleep, he had a big day ahead of him, and they could talk later if Chan wanted to.

Back in his room, he felt panicky. Maybe it hadn't been a good idea to leave? He quickly considered his options. It wasn't too early – maybe he would be lucky and Jisung was awake? With a deep breath he unplugged his phone and texted his best friend:

"I need to get out of here as soon as possible. I don't want to be alone. Help me?!"

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