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Felix sat in the deep window sill. The window was slightly opened and the little breeze felt so good, while he was talking to Seonghwa, who kept standing next to the younger boy. Every now and then he went to the kitchen to refill Felix' glass for him – the Aussie had not exaggerated how thirsty he was. It felt natural for Seonghwa to indulge the younger, since he was a born caregiver and a host tonight. He liked Felix. Who wouldn't want to take care of him? The little blonde was so cute, even in his all black attire.

Over in the sofa, Chan watched the two from time to time. He just couldn't help himself. Seeing Felix drinking red wine, since when did Felix drink red wine anyway, reminded him that he was supposed to keep an eye on I.N. But the maknae was nowhere to bee seen. Not that Chan really worried about his youngest member. I.N could take care of him self. They just liked to baby him. Felix however was drinking way too fast. At this rate he would be drunk soon...

As Chan looked over yet another time, he saw Seonghwa lean in to whisper something in Felix' ear. The boy in the window sill closed his eyes halfway, and shivered slightly. Was he cold? Chan took another sip of his beer to hide his face, in case anyone could see the concern on his face. He was just looking after his band member, right? That had to be OK?

Over by the window Felix made a giggling sound. "Allright, that's good. Now it's my turn." Seonghwa obediently bowed so his face was close, and tilted his head. Felix leaned in, so his plump lips were almost touching the other's ear before he whispered. "ASMR is an abbreviation that stands for auto sensory meridian response. It's a tingling sensation that starts from your scalp, and moves down your back. Some weirdos seem to enjoy this sensation." Seonghwa straightened his back and laughed. "That proves that you can say literally anything in that dark voice of yours and make it sound good." Felix smirked. "Look at my arm!" Seonghwa pulled up the sleeve of his shirt and showed Felix his goosebumps. "Woah!" Felix exclaimed and lightly stroked the elder's arms without thinking first.

Bang Chan clenched his jaw. Why the fuck was Felix touching the damn visual of Ateez? He felt his anger grow, and tried to calm down. He finished his beer. "Need another one, Chan hyung?" Hyunjin asked politely. "I'm going to the kitchen to get some refills. I don't mind bringing one for you as well." Chan nodded silently and tried to smile. He needed to watch his temper – this was a party after all. Changbin and Hongjoong was discussing their upcoming comeback and Chan decided to make an effort to join the conversation. Soon Hyunjin dropped off a few beers at the table before he continued with a six pack towards one of the bedrooms.

Felix and Seonghwa was still talking about their love of ASMR and sharing which creators they liked to follow on YouTube. From time to time they would whisper to each other, giggling whenever the other one had a reaction. Felix was caught up in the conversation, and didn't see the looks Chan was sending his way. "Your glass is empty again," Seonghwa noticed. "I'll fill it up for you. Don't go anywhere." When Seongwha had left, Felix scanned the living room. Everyone seemed to have a good time, and he felt happy. He hadn't expected to have so much in common with the attractive vocalist. The door to one of the bedrooms opened, and the motion caught Felix' eye.

A group of young boys was gathered in the bedroom, and one of them was pushed into the living room. He was young, maybe 16 years old, and he looked defeated. The other boys laughed and gathered in the door frame snickering. They were all trying to see into the living room without being too obvious, as the boy slowly made his way to the seating area.

Hongjoong didn't think anything of it when the young boy approached them. However his eyes went wide then the trainee stopped behind Chan's seat and leaned in and kissed the leader of Stray Kids on the cheek. "Gi Joon, what is the meaning of this?!" Hongjoon asked, clearly upset. Bang Chan, who had frozen when he felt the kiss, turned to look at the young boy. Joon was blushing a deep scarlet, and bowing deep repeatedly. "Please forgive me, Bang Chan sunbae. It was a dare." Chan looked past the mortified trainee, and saw the group gathered by the bedroom door. The other trainees looked amused, ashamed and impressed – all at once. Chan got a glimpse of I.N hiding behind them. So that was what his maknae had been up to, that sly fox.

"So you're playing truth or dare in there? I bet they didn't expect you to actually carry out the dare. Tell me, who's idea was it that you should kiss me?" Chan smiled friendly to the young trainee, who kept looking down at his feet. "I...uhm...I do-don't t-think..." Joon was stuttering badly. He didn't want to expose the culprit, but he couldn't deny Bang Chan either. "Never mind, I think I know. I'll talk to him later." Chan might be a little drunk, but he could still put two and two together, and the answer was I.N. On an impulse, Chan decided to get up and turn towards the nervous boy. He put a hand on his shoulder to reassure him. "It took some balls to do what you did. Go back to your game now. I'm not offended or anything. No worries." The boy backed away as quickly, and Chan cracked a huge smile. As he turned to sit down again he looked towards the window sill.

Felix had gotten down from the window sill and was standing like a bronze statue. His face was frozen and impassive. He had seen everything: the kiss, I.N's mischievous smile, Felix was going to kill I.N, and finally Chan's acceptance of the prank. He had smiled at the boy. Off course he had. It was in Chan's nature to be good humored and kind. So why did Felix wish that he had looked more bothered by the kiss? He hadn't looked uncomfortable at all. A stranger could kiss Chan, on the cheek but it still counted as a kiss, because he had the excuse of a fucking dare?! The injustice of it all. He wanted to go over to the damn bedroom and insist that they dared him to...to... Felix couldn't think properly. The last couple of weeks frustration was catching up to him and he felt short of breath.

"Hey, are you OK?" Seonghwa had returned and looked concerned. Felix didn't answer him, but took his wine glass and emptied half of it in one go. Oh, how he wished it was alcohol this time. "You don't look too good. Do you need to go home? Or take a break from all this noise? You can use my room if you want to." The older was used to taking care of his younger band members and fell into the role with Felix as well. He was the "mom" of Ateez, after all. "Won't there be people in your room as well?" Felix asked. "Oh no, nobody would dare to party in my room," Seonghwa chuckled. "Then lead the way, hyung" Felix said. Seonghwa took his hand to guide him trough the improvised dance floor, leading him towards his bedroom.

Chan might be a little drunk, but he could still put two and two together and he knew what it meant when Seonghwa lead Felix by the hand, away from the other people at the party. Seonghwa had been pouring red wine for the young blond steadily tonight, and they had been close. Too close.

Without a word to the others around the table, Chan decided to not join them again, and made his own way trough the living room. It was a bit challenging to maneuver himself around the dancing people, but he eventually reached the hallway that lead to all the bedrooms.

Now, where were they?

"Gi Joon" is a made up character. Just like the rest of them.
*cough, cough*

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