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The following day was the most hectic so far, in their secret scheme. The lyrics had been worked out the evening before, and everybody was happy with the result. Well, nearly everybody. Jisung said he was almost ready to wrap up his part, he just needed to do the finishing touches. That led to him humming and mumbling to himself all evening. Sometimes his eyebrows would knit together as if he was trying to figure out a puzzle, and he kept staring into the air. Minho let him be, until they were finally in bed. When Jisung still acted disconnected, it was time to pull him out of his needless search and give him something else to think about. When they were finally falling asleep, Jisung's head was blissfully empty, while Minho did a mental note about changing the bed sheets first thing in the morning.

With a finalized version, it was time to practice and record the vocals. Chan was unwilling to compromise on the sound quality, so they all had to go to the JYP building and use their high tech studio. I.N was excited about sneaking around on a secret mission, and soon Felix and Jisung was in on the joke. They goofed around wearing sunglasses inside and a newspaper they had cut two holes in so they could take turns spying on the other members and staff. It was silly, but it wasn't suspicious behavior for Stray Kids. It actually fit in with their lie, when Chan talked to their stylists about their surprise for Mr. Park.

The women working on hair, make up and outfits loved their new theme. Chan passed on the members ideas when it came to new hair colours, and the hair dresser squealed with joy when she heard she could whip out the red, green and blue dye. They were going to look like maniacs.

After Chan's meeting with their noonas, it was time to record. They knew they were pushing it, but since Mr. Park was to be presented with a video, they just needed one good take, from each member. The studio was small, but they still managed to pile up in the sofa behind the mixing desk. They told the sound technician that his help wasn't needed, and 3RACHA could do the work themselves. Since they were highly respected as producers, the guy just thanked Chan for the opportunity to sneak off and do nothing for a few hours. Changbin was the first one to record his part, and he did it with confidence as always. It was a good call on 3RACHA's part. When the other members saw how unfazed their dark rapper was, they all felt calmer.

Felix sat close to Hyunjin in the sofa, resting his head on his shoulder. The taller kept stroking his thigh absentmindedly while he was talking to the others. The touch was familiar and friendly. It made Felix relax, and he didn't contribute to the conversation around him. Instead he was watching Chan's V-shaped back and his arms whenever the leader's hands flew over the different knobs on the mixing desk. Why did he have to be so damn good looking? If Hyunjin and Chan had switched places, the innocent thigh stroking would have felt like fire. Felix was sure of it. He closed his eyes so he could stop his daydreaming.

After Changbin, I.N and Minho had done their parts, Chan turned around to let Jisung know that it was his turn. He had planned to make a joke about how they needed to do his part quickly before he changed his mind about the lyrics again, but the lame joke died on his lips when he saw how Felix was sitting snuggled into Hyunjin. He didn't miss the tall one's hand placement either. There was no jealousy in Chan at all. Just...sadness. It felt like his very soul was deflating.

The conversation was lively, and Chan was grateful for it. The majority of the members were too occupied to notice his reaction. But Hyunjin was looking right back at Chan. The taller could be possessive of Felix, since the two had a special connection and Felix was the only one Hyunjin could stand touching him. He was thankful to Felix, who let him have all the skin ship he needed without making it weird. Now Hyunjin slowly removed his hand from Felix' thigh, while he examining Chan's face carefully.

The small act just make Chan feel worse. He was reminded of Felix' angry rant in Seonghwa's room. Was he putting Felix in an ivory tower, making him stranded between Chan and everybody else? His eyes began to sting and he blinked rapidly to get rid of the excess fluid collecting there.

He turned back towards the mixing board, and when he thought his voice could be trusted, he called out for Jisung to enter the performance room.

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