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Like last time, Hyunjin, Jisung, Jeongin and Felix had occupied the biggest bathroom before the party, for their own let's get ready pre-party. Felix was feeling pretty now, with pink lip gloss and rhinestones under his eyes. He had on a skin tight pair of black jeans and a sheer top underneath an unbuttoned white shirt. Would Chan like his appearance tonight? "Don't bite your lip! You'll get lip gloss on your teeth." Hyunjin slapped his upper arm hard and Felix took a step back. "Yeah, don't bite your lip. Leave that do daddy Chan." Jisung giggled while Innie covered his ears and started to sing "la la la" to block out their conversation. "You're an idiot, Sungie. I'm leaving." As the young Aussie left the bathroom his best friend shouted after him. "Yes, but I'm your idiot – forever!" He couldn't help himself and laughed while he walked towards Chris' room. He knocked softly on the door and entered when he heard his boyfriend shout that the door was open. Stepping inside he waited to see how the elder would react.

Chan stopped in his tracks when he turned around and saw what his sunshine had put on. "Are you sure you want to wear that tonight, baby?"

Felix furrowed his eyebrows. This was not the reaction he had hoped for or expected, at all. Sure, they needed to get to know each other as more than friends, but was Chris going to be the jealous type of boyfriend? That didn't sit right with Felix. He might be a teeny-tiny bit submissive in bed, but there was no way he was going to let Christopher dictate what he wore around other people. "What do you mean, Chris?" His tone was guarded. Were they going to fight after merely a few days together as a couple?

"I mean..." Chris moved towards the younger with a sly expression. "...that if you walk around dressed like that tonight, I will end up sitting there like a drooling idiot without being able to hold a conversation with anybody. What will people think?" He raised his eyebrow and snaked his arms around Felix narrow waist to embrace him. Leaning in he started kissing Felix neck up and down. "Oh my gosh, you're such an idiot. You're even worse than Ji!" Felix let out an exasperated huff of air. Chris chuckled and bit his neck, earning him a small moan from the tiny blond wrapped in his arms. He had to stop this now, or they wouldn't make it to the party.

"I got you something today." Felix eyes lit up with excitement. He loved surprises. "Really?" Chan smiled and walked over to his desk. Soomin had come through like she promised. His heart was beating faster now. Was it too much? Too soon? Well, it certainly was too late when he turned around with the small jewellery box in his hand. Felix had seen it, and there was no way to back down gracefully.

"I love you, Lixi. I think I always have. Here, open it." Chan watched as Felix took the box from him with gentle hands and opened it. His mouth fell open in an adorable expression of surprise and wonder. "Chris, it's beautiful! Thank you!" The younger flung his arms around Chan's neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

Chan probably would have forgotten all about the gift, and just kept on kissing if Felix hadn't pulled away from him. "Can you put it on me now? Please?" Felix' eyes was sparkling more than any rhinestone now, as he turned around and let out a little happy squeal.

Out from the velvet jewellery box came a white gold necklace. The pendant was the letter C covered in diamonds, just as Chan had described to Soomin. He draped it around Felix neck, and made sure that he had closed the clasp securely. Chan signaled for his boyfriend to turn around again and marveled at the love of his life, standing before him wearing his initial. "I want you to wear this. Always. Can you do that for me, little one?" He could see how Felix' pupils dilated in response to his request.

"Yes, Christopher. Yes, yes, yes!" Felix felt like everything was right in the world, as long as Bang Chan would call him his little one. They kissed once more, and it was soft and tender. Looking into his boyfriends eyes, Chan grabbed Felix' hands in his own and intertwined their fingers.

"You know how alone I was, when I first came to Korea. I pushed away all my feelings, and tried desperately to focus on my goal as if that could be enough for me. When I put together Stray Kids I got the best friends in the world – a new family and it saved me. But I was still missing something. I wanted someone to share my heart with. Someone I could shower in love and kisses. A special someone to wrap up in blankets and keep safe on my lap. Felix, you're the one. As soon as I got to know you, I started loving you. I'm so sorry I tried to keep my distance and wasted both our time, but I will make it up to you. I will love and honor you for the rest of my life. As long as you want me, I'm never letting go."

Chris' declaration of love made tears stream down Felix' cheeks. "You won't ever have to let go, Chris. I'm yours. I have always been yours, and I'm happy we're together now. Don't speak of wasted time – we'll have forever together." The younger kissed Chan on the mouth, the cheeks, the nose... wherever he saw bare skin. And for every kiss a little crack in Chan's soul healed.

"It's all good now."

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