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Chan went into the kitchen to grab another beer from the fridge. "Hey, Seungmin. Are you enjoying yourself? Please remind me to send coffee over to everyone tomorrow at noon. Ateez lost the game." Chan chuckled lightly to himself. "I can take care of the order if you want to, hyang. And yes, the party is great. Now, if you'll excuse me, after all these narcissistic song choices I'm going to see if they can't put on some Day6 for us." Seungmin nodded to the oldest before he left the kitchen, with a KQ trainee trailing behind him.

Back in the living room with his cold drink, Chan joined Changbin, Hyunjin and Hongjoong in the sofa. "Sending in both Hyunjin and Minho should be considered cheating." Hongjoong shook his head. "Maybe." Chan smirked a little before he thanked Changbin for arranging the contest with Wooyoung. "I didn't know you two had been working together on a mix track of our songs. When did you find the time? Do I not give you enough tracks to work on?" The dark haired just scoffed at the leader of 3RACHA. "Don't worry about my workload, old man. You just didn't notice because you have been obsessing over other things lately." That shut Chan up and he automatically started to search the room to see if Felix was around.

..-. . .-.. .. -..- / .. ... / --- ..- .-. / ... ..- -. ... .... .. -. .

In the kitchen, Felix were opening and closing the cabinets clearly looking for something. "Can I help you?" Felix jumped, startled by the sudden voice next to him, and turned around. Seonghwa was behind him, smiling warmly. Woah! No wonder he is the visual of Ateez, Felix thought. Seongwha was a little taller than him, had sharp facial features and beautiful nose. How can a nose be that beautiful? He wore black dress pants, a red shirt tailored in a slim fit to show off his narrow waist and a silver chain around his neck. The make up was light, focusing on his red lips. Felix stared. "Sorry what?"

Seonghwa smiled again. "Do you need my help, Felix?" "Uhm..., I'm looking for a glass, but I can't find any. I had one, but it's gone." The youngest gestured to the cabinets, looking a little lost. "I think we've used all the regular ones, but I can find you a wine glass if you want? What are you drinking?" Seonghwa opened a cupboard Felix hadn't looked in yet, an took out a high stemmed glass. "That would be great. I'll drink pretty much anything as long as it's without alcohol, right now. I'm so thirsty from dancing that anything you give me, I'll just guzzle down." He tried to wipe the sweat of his forehead discreetly, as Seonghwa turned to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of Coke Zero before pouring it into the glass Felix was holding. "Then I think this will be perfect. The caffeine will give you a boost, and it looks like red wine." He winked at Felix. "Come on, let's return to the party. I want to talk to you."

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