-43- The Namsan Park

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Two hours earlier:
"No, no, no. Hold up!" Jisung had stopped, and looked at Felix with a stunned expression. They were currently in the Namsan mountain park - the biggest park in Seoul. The different paved trails leading towards the observatory tower at the top of the hill, were perfect for them. They could talk openly if they wanted to, and take brakes if the conversation became too intense, to just study the nature surrounding them. Jisung had been delighted when he saw a squirrel and claimed it was a reincarnation of a late relative.

Now however, Jisung concentrated fully on his best friend. "Are you telling me that your idea of dirty talk is quoting Back Door?!!" He was practically shrieking the last part. Felix just laughed and kept on walking. "It worked, didn't it?" he called over his shoulder and Jisung considered it. "Hm, I guess Chan must really like you. If I had said something like that to Minmin, he would have pushed me off the bed." The brown haired started to jog to catch up with his friend. "Hey, maybe I should try that line on Minmin?" Felix looked at Jisung's calculating face and laughed again.

"Talking about trying new things. Did you get around to wearing that kitten outfit to bed?" If Felix had looked at Jisung he would have seen his blush, but Felix was kind and made a point of looking at a very fascinating tree as they passed it. "I did. It was... exciting. It's not Minmin's kink, but he was still amazing about it. I think he might use it as a reward from now on. At least I hope he will." Jisung let out a small giggle and started skipping. This was exactly why the park worked so well for them right now. Any anxiety or surge in energy could be let out physically straight away. Felix had hated the idea of being stuck in a cafe, trying to sort out his thoughts and feelings after last night.

"But we're not changing the topic so easily, Sunshine. We were talking about Chanlix." Jisung nudged his twin with his elbow. "Is there a Chanlix?" Felix asked pouting. "Don't ask me. If you wanted to find out, maybe you should have stayed in bed with the guy you're pining for. I swear you're both idiots. Lovable, but still idiots." Felix didn't respond right away, and Jisung kept quiet so the young Aussie could gather his thoughts as they kept walking closer to the tower up ahead.

"Yeah, maybe I should have just stayed. It was just too much, you know? I know I got what I wanted, and it was a mind blowing experience, but seeing him like that... I just.... How the hell am I ever going to get over Chan after something like that? I was attached before, but now...." Felix didn't finish his sentence but waved his arms around trying to express all the chaos inside him.

"So you panicked because you worry that you might have to get over him? Felix, that's just stupid. Everybody knows that Chan's into you!" In unison they quoted Hyunjin in a sing song voice: "Well, everyone except Chan hyung himself. The man is more stubborn than a mule." They laughed, and Felix felt so grateful to have such good friends in his life. He stopped and stared at the horizon for a little while. They were getting close to the observatory now, and he guessed the view from the top would be stunning. He let out a big sigh. "Well, I don't know either, Sungie. People can participate and enjoy sex without having any romantic feelings towards their partner. You told me so yourself."

"I did." Jisung wished he could somehow say a magic word and fix things for Felix, but he knew the two Aussies had to figure things out themselves. The process from friends to lovers could be messy. Jisung knew that from his own experience. He just hoped Felix wouldn't suffer more than he had to. Time to look at the brighter side of things. "So tell me more, babe. How is Chan in bed? Does he make your toes curl every time you kiss?" He wiggled his eyebrows knowingly, but stopped as soon as he saw his best friend's reaction.

"I wouldn't know. We haven't kissed." Felix was trying to hold back his tears. "You two managed to have sex, but you didn't kiss? How come?" Jisung was baffled. "Well, we did kiss. It just wasn't on the mouth. I wanted to, so I kissed him on his cheek, but he didn't respond by kissing me back so I kinda kept going to his neck instead, while he kept still." All thoughts about being supportive of his friend, left Jisung. "How still? Are you telling me that Bang fucking Chan is a pillow princess?!" The squirrel boy whispered the two last words as if they were sharing a dirty secret.

"Nooooo! It wasn't like that. It was more like... a game, I guess? He just let me take the lead. It was nice." Jisung nodded vigorously. "Ah, I know that game. A very nice game indeed. 10 out of 10. Would recommend." Felix rolled his eyes and pushed his best friend playfully. "Yeah, but it backfired on me. I don't know why I'm making this a big deal, but I want him to kiss me."

Jisung linked his arm with Felix', and they kept walking again. "And then what?" "Then we find out who's buying today's lunch. Last one to the observatory is a loser." They sprinted off, leaving the Chanlix conversation behind them for now.

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