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Since they had fallen asleep early in the evening, it was no surprise that Chan woke up in the middle of the night. It was more likely for lightning to strike twice in the same spot, than for Chan to have a full night's sleep in two consecutive nights. Now he had his arms wrapped around Felix and he was happy to not sleep through all the available cuddle time. He kept stroking Felix' back and running his fingers gently through his hair. He was so beautiful laying there, looking serene like an angel. Chan couldn't believe his luck. Was all this real? He whispered gently, knowing his sleeping boy couldn't hear him. "I love you so much, and I want to do right by you. If you let me, I'm going to spoil you rotten." He let out a little chuckle. "You've got me wrapped around your fingers, baby."

After a while, Chan's head started buzzing with beats and music. He was feeling inspired. Carefully he untangled himself from Felix' body and got up from bed. Since he felt well rested, Chan thought he might as well start his day. He went to the nearest bathroom to take a shower, not bothering to put on clothes before he left his room. After he had cleaned up and shaved, he went by Felix' room. Chan wanted Felix to feel comfortable and had decided to bring Felix his dressing gown and a clean change of clothes. He smiled at the thought of picking out clothes for Felix to wear, until he opened his wardrobe. Chan's smile faltered as he took in the myriad of options stuffed away. OK, Felix was going to have to continue to dress himself, that much was clear. As long as Chan got to undress him, he would be happy as a clam. A few minutes later Chan left the room carrying the blue dressing robe, a pair of black ripped jeans, black socks, a black boxer shorts, a black oversized hoodie and a white t-shirt for diversity.

He folded the clothes neatly and put them on a chair next to the bed where Felix would see them when he woke up. Then he dressed himself in a matching black and white attire and sat down by his computer with his headphones on. It was time to work. They were behind schedule when it came to their planned comeback, so Chan was going to make good use of this burst of creativity. Maybe Felix was his muse? He smiled fondly at the small body wrapped up in his blanket before he opened his production software.

The night hours flew by without Chan noticing. He was in a flow, totally immersed in the process of transforming his ideas into usable tracks. Chan had enough experience to know that the quality of what he was making right now was excellent. He couldn't wait to share it with Jisung and Changbin when they woke up. It was about time 3RACHA put this Mr. Park bullshit behind them and concentrated on making music for STAY. The thought of Mr. Park's demands made him let out a harsh sigh, before he took of his headphones and rubbed his eyes. A soft swooshing sound made him turn around. Felix had woken up and was walking over in his dressing gown. The young Aussie still had a sleepy expression on his face.

"Good morning, beautiful," Chan said and stretched his arms out in invitation for the younger to sit in his lap. Felix gave him a huge smile, but then his eyes was drawn to the shelf above the desk. Chan saw Felix' eyes widen as he looked at Hyunjin's portrait of him. "He changed it!" Chan looked at the painting as well. "Changed it? How?" Felix had stopped in his tracks, so he kept standing, but he put his small hand on Chan's neck and started to rub it gently. "I asked him to not paint my freckles, but Jinnie wanted to. I told him it was up to him in the end. Never imagined he would do it like that. It actually looks... OK, I guess?" Chan grabbed at Felix waist to start him moving again, and the younger willingly sat down in his lap. Chan snaked his arms around Felix' waist. "It's way more than OK, baby. Hyunjin has done an incredible job, trying to catch your ethereal beauty." Felix rolled his eyes. "Oh stop!" "Why would I, when you clearly need to be reminded of how pretty your freckles are?" Chan could se that Felix wanted to object, so he leaned in an kissed him softly on the lips to shut him up. "You don't always see yourself clearly, baby." Chan kissed Felix' upper chin on both sides and then his little nose. Last night Felix had been wearing make up covering his freckles completely. The make up was still there, since they had fallen asleep right after sex, but the foundation had been partly rubbed off on Chan's pillows. Felix lovely freckles were peeking through, and Chan loved them. Why couldn't Felix? He slowly pushed away a few strands of hair. "Felix, when the gods made you it was impossible for your eyes to hold all the stars, so some of them spilled onto your face. Your freckles are divine. I love them and I love you."

They leaned their foreheads together and Felix murmured: "That was so poetic, Chris. Thank you." Chan gave him a small kiss before he looked at the younger inquiring. "Why have you started to call me Chris?" Felix shrugged. "I compartmentalize. Bang Chan is my leader, Channie is my good friend and Chris is...uhm...." A huge grin spread across Chan's face. This explained a lot. "Chris is what?" Chan pressed on. He couldn't help himself. "Chris is.... well, I do...things with Chris? Things I can't do with my friend? Uhh...." Felix wasn't usually lost for words. Chan thought his boy was adorable squirming like this – a small blush starting to colour his cheeks pink.

"Well, I want to take you on a date today, but I don't want to be just dating you. I want to be your boyfriend. What do you think, Lixi? Can Chris be your boyfriend?" Felix started waving his little fists up and down and in a high pinched voice he said: "yes, yes, yes!". Then then shared a slow, sensual kiss filled with nothing but love.

Chan pulled away from Felix with a teasing smile. "If Chan is your leader, Channie is your friend and Chris is your boyfriend... When will you call me Christopher?" Felix pink flush became a deep scarlet and he looked away. "Uh...we don't talk about Christopher." He jumped off Chan's lap as if he had burned his ass sitting there. "A date you say? Sounds great. I'll take a shower and get ready, shall I? Byeeeee!" Felix practically fled the room with his clean set of clothes clutched in his arms.

Chan grinned as if he has won the lottery. Oh yes, he very much wanted to play with Felix. He repeated the sentence to himself. "I very much want to play with my boyfriend." Damn, how did he become the luckiest man in the world? He didn't deserve this, but he would take it anyway.

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