5: Rookie Mistake

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My heart was beating wildly, I sat on the edge of my bed and took off my mask, running my fingers through my hair, messing up the bun. I cursed loudly, slipping off my bun and freeing my hair from its constraints to nervously play with my long locks. 

I heard footsteps near my door. I quickly tied my hair back up and put my mask back on, as stiff as a board, about to break out in a nervous sweat. My heart felt like it was fighting to get out of my chest, my weak stomach churned and churned as if a Witch was stirring my insides like a cauldron.

"Oh Mouseeeeee....." I heard the Joker's voice sing out as my doorknob turned, the wooden, smooth door creaking open slowly like a scene in a horror film.

My fingers were shaky, sat on my hands to hide my fear, my shaky, nervous state.

When the door was fully open, I saw Joker's freshly fixed makeup, his eyes searing into mine, an expression so mysterious that my thoughts nearly burst out of my skull.

"Mouse." he stated bluntly. He closed the door and walked over to me. "Number one, it's hot in this room. Why are you wearing a jacket?"

He was eyeing me curiously, I took my hands out from underneath me and put them around my waist, shivering openly in response. His eyes squinted.

"Alright. So would you mind writing me a report on what happened tonight?" 

I nodded, suspicious, he wouldn't just let me go that easy, would he?

He turned to leave, but then stopped, staring at my dresser. My eyes followed his glance, and I nearly slapped myself in the face when I realized what he was staring at. I had left out my regular bra. I was wearing my sports bra right now and I had forgotten to put away my normal bra! How could I be so stupid?

Joker looked at me with a large grin. "Mouse, no ladies are allowed in here. No matter how fun they are. Take them to their place instead of here, you sly fox!" he snickered. He licked the insides of his mouth, popped his lips and ran his fingers through his greasy hair. "If you do bring home a lady and I catch her, I'll kill her. Or let the boys play around with her first. Hell, sounds fun either way. How exciting!" he extended his arms like a child would do, then opened the door. "Now, I'll go find Harley, maybe she'll do something interesting." he closed the door. As soon as I heard his footsteps fade, I bolted to it, locked it and shoved my bra back in its special place. 

I could have blown it right there! I took out a pen and a piece of paper and started writing my events, but I paused when I realized something. I didn't check before I jumped out of that tree to see if anyone was around.

How was I going to write that in my paper?

Unless...I lied.

I thought for a moment, then shrugged. Why not? I didn't want to die. Not this way.

I put that I had made sure the coast was clear, and when I was making my way to my location, Batman glided onto the scene and got to me. I put that since it was so dark, I couldn't see him, which was true anyways. I sighed, when I was finished with the paper I folded it up into a square and put my hair back in a bun. 

The Joker seemed pretty sweet when he walked in. He was so nice. Maybe he likes me?

I nearly laughed when I thought of that. Joker is openly straight. He's the straightest guy I know, he thinks I'm a guy, he thinks I'm just a friend. I know, because my closest friend besides Pitch is Que, and Que is interested in men. He told me that he tried hitting on Joker once, and Joker turned him down pretty fast. Que and I had a laugh about that one. He thinks I'm a guy, just a guy who is accepting of his preference.

Truth is, I'm a woman who is accepting of his preference, not a guy, and I think he may know my secret but I never ask, in fear that he would tell Joker, even though he's such a sweet guy, I can't trust him just yet. 

Joker probably thinks I'm a great friend, I would someday like him to know that I'd love to get to know him. Not as Mouse, but as Blaise. I'd like to someday get as close to him as Harley is, and maybe he'd treat me like a person, hopefully not like how he treats Harley. She is close to him, but he's always abusing her.

He's not an abusive person all around though. The way he explains things, the way he smiles, the way he speaks his mind when it's just him and I, I can see through all of the makeup, I can see through the purple suit, and into his very soul. He is someone else underneath all of the rough edged extremist.

I had to admit, I did admire the man completely. And it was time to be able to cope with the fact that I stay here not because I am scared of all the other criminals. It is because I am scared of being away from him.

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