Chapter 34

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I'm frozen

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I'm frozen. I'm surrounded in darkness with no way out. I hear crying but see nothing. I walk around the dark place aimlessly.

"You can't leave me. People need you. Your family needs you. Meels needs you, she needs her dad. I need you."

I hear a familiar voice say. Kayla. I need to get back to Kayla. I turn around and see a bright light. I bring my hand up to my eyes to shield some of the light away.

I start walking towards the light. As Closer I start to see a white room. I step in to the and im faced with a white wall.

I turn around and see me in a hospital bed hooked up to machines. I look over and see Kayla sitting on a chair next to the bed sleeping with her head resting on our conjoined hands.

I walk over to her and watch her sleep. I bend down and give her a kiss on the forehead. She stirs in her sleep but doesn't wake up. I walk over to the other side of the bed and look at myself.

"Come on wake up. They need you." I start to get dizzy so I sit in the bed next to... well me I guess. I lay down and close my eyes. I try to open my eyes again but it's hard. I try again and it's hard but I do it.

I quickly close my eyes again due to the bright lights. I blink a couple times and open my eyes. I look around and see the same white wall I just saw a couple minutes before. I feel something heavy on my hand. I look down and see Mikayla.

I try to say something but my throat is so dry nothing comes out. I look around when I spot a remote under my hand. I press the button and wait until a nurse comes rushing in. She takes a look at me and a look at Kayla.

"You're awake!" She exclaims quietly since Kayla's sleeping.

I nod and use my free hand to point at my throat. She hands me a glass of water.

"Thank you" I croak out.

"Of course sir. So you might be confused but you were shot multiple in the chest and it caused quite a bit of damage to your internal organs. The doctors rushed you into surgery and by a miracle they fixed everything. But due to the trauma your body was out under you fell into a coma."

"How long was I out?"

"2 Months"

I look at Kayla and think about all that Iput her through. I was lost in thought when I was snapped out of my trance when the nurse spoke.

"She never left." I look up at her confused.

"She never left. Your family brought her clothes and food. She showered here. Your daughter came to visit as well. But whenever your family advised her to go home she would start to cry and sit next to you saying that she can't leave you. You have something good there. Congratulations" .With that being said she left.

I look down and smile.

"I really do have something great."

I close my eyes thinking of my beautiful girlfriend and amazing daughter.

"Don't worry Kayla. I won't leave you again"
Chapter 34 Done

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