Chapter 28

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I missed Mikayla and turned around to follow her dad and brothers

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I missed Mikayla and turned around to follow her dad and brothers. She went outside with Giovanni while we went to get Amelia and Isabel. We all had our guns out and when we e got up the stairs we found multiple guys looking around in the hallway.

We all took them out and searched the rooms to see if we could find anyone else. Once we knew no one else was there we started making our way to the cinema. When we got there it was dark and we couldn't see anyone.

"Isabel" Marco said in worry.

We all started to worry until Isabel opened the door to the closet and walked out with Amelia in her hands. I ran to Amelia and took her in my arms while she squeezed around my neck. Isabel ran to the guys and gave them all hugs. I walked back over to them and hugged Isabel and the rest of the guys hugged Amelia.

I took Amelia back in my arms while we made our way back outside to get Gio and Mikayla. We all got outside and started looking around to find them. We walked to the garage to look there but stopped when we saw Gio lying unconscious on the ground. We all rushed to him while I gave Lia to Isabel. I started to look around for Mikayla while they were getting him up.


no answer.


again no answer.

She's gone. I broke my promise.
It's been 2 days since she's been gone and I'm losing my mind. Lia keeps asking "When mommy's coming back" or "Where'd Mommy go" I don't know what to say so I just keep saying that she went on a little vacation and that she'll be back soon. I need Mikayla back and so does Lia.

Right now everyone is sitting on the couch in the living room talking about how we're gonna find Mikayla. Lia is sitting on my lap sleeping since she refuses to let me go. She says she doesn't want me to leave her too. So I've been taking her everywhere I go.

"How are we gonna get her back. We have nothing to go off of." Enzo says rubbing his head.

"Did you give her the necklace yet dad?" Rocco asks.

'Why is he asking about a necklace now'

"What necklace?" I ask confused

"No, I haven't, I was going to give it to her on her birthday next month. And it's a necklace that we attached a tracker to"

'Tracker. HOLY SHIT!'

"HOLY SHIT!" I jump up forgetting Lia is in my arms and she stirs starting to wake up.

"Shhhhh, daddy's sorry, go back to sleep," I whisper to her and she settles back to sleep.

"What?" Gio says

"I just remembered when I gave her the promise ring I got a tracker installed in her ring, I also have one in Lia's necklace I got her for her birthday," I say getting out my phone.

"Yes!" Tony jumps up

They all come over to me so we can check her location.

"I got her!" I hand Amelia to Isabel and kiss her forehead.

"Daddy will be back. I'm gonna go get mommy" I whisper to her.

"Let's go," Marco says and leaves to get weapons.

Enzo calls his men and explains while they get suited up. I go on my phone and dial my father's number.

"Сын" he answers the phone


"Мы нашли Микайлу. Подготовьте наших лучших людей. Я пришлю вам адрес и встретимся там." I rush out fast.

(We found Mikayla. Get our best men suited up. I'll send you the address and meet you there.)

I hang up and get ready and we all leave.

I'm coming love. Hold on a little longer.


Chapter 28 done


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