Chapter 27

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He's here

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He's here. He's in the house. I look around at my brothers and realize. Mom and Amelia aren't here. I'm start to turn to run upstairs when Nik grabs me.

"What are you doing?"

"Mom and Amelia are still up stairs."

"Gio you take your sister outside while we go get your mother and Amelia."Dad says before turning and walking upstairs slowly with the guys.

"Be safe" I say to them all and give Nik a quick kiss. Gio grabs my hand and we walk outside.

We start to walk to the garage, we turn around a corner of the house when Gio suddenly gets hit with the butt of a gun and falls on the floor. I shriek and look up to see John smirking with a gun in his hand pointing at me.

"Look at you. My beautiful Mikayla. Now that i've gotten you alone and away from that wretched family we can finally be happy." He takes a step towards me and I take one away from him.

He keeps taking steps towards me and I take a step back with every step he takes. He quickly reaches forward and grabs my hair and yanks me towards him.

"I did you a favour and you're acting like an ungrateful bitch." He reaches into his pocket while a struggle in his arms and he pulls out a needle. He shushes me and pulls the cap of with his teeth. I feel a pinch in my neck and he pushes the substance from the needle into my system and pulls it out of me. He kisses my head and mutters a quiet sweet dreams.
I wake up tied to a bed. My wrists each have handcuffs that are connected to each bed post. I sit as much as I can and look around the room. I look to my left to see a phone plugged into a charger. I twist my body a little to try to get the phone with my foot when i start to hear foot steps coming to the room. I get back to my normal position when the door unlocks and John atolls in.

"Hi my beauty. How are you feeling?"

"Like I just got drugged and kidnapped from my family only to be cuffed to a bed."

"I DID THAT FOR YOU!" He yells. He take a deep breath.

"I did that for us"

"Us? There is no us, these never will be." I sat disgusted

"Don't say that" He says sounding sad.

'What the in the bipolar fuck is happening' I screamed in my head

"I love you. I know you love me you just need to be reminded of that love." He starts to walk to the bed and I back crawl as far as I can. He reaches his hand out and caresses my cheek slowly. He leans in and whispers in my ear.

"It's okay beauty I will remind you of that love." He leaves a kiss underneath my ear and on my cheek then leaves the room. But not before unplugging and taking the phone with him.

'We'll that planed failed'
Chapter 27 Done


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