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Zhan POV

"Zhan," Jiyang shouted as soon as I returned to our pack lodge. "You are the coolest!"

"Hey, I'm trying to do my best," I say as I sink myself into yibo's arms, who as soon as I left the ring took me in his arms and began to check to make sure I didn't suffer anything after Willis's shot. He practically carried me in his arms to the lodge, as if I were a porcelain trinket. I feel safe and secured in his arms as if my heaven lies there.

Wang James looks at us and starts laughing as soon as he sees Yibo bend over and apply butterfly kisses to my neck, making me startle. For the first time since I met him, I feel a slight tingling when he touches me, small... very small tingles that make me startle.

"It seemed like the discussion was just about pretending to be a couple, but from what I see there's no need to pretend," he says amusedly. "Haikuan," he said, reaching his hand for him. "Give me the $ 500. I won the bet."

Haikuan rolls his eyes and everyone starts laughing when he hands Wang James Huang the $ 500 with a frown look. Yibo and I look at them in bewilderment without understanding what is happening.

"What do you mean?" I ask awkwardly.

"Pretending my ass! Myself and Haikuan had a bet in this matter telling him that in the end you will be Yibo's Real Luna, Chosen Mate. Now I won the bet" said Wang James Huang with a proud tone.

Me and Yibo both looked at him and Haikuan thinking how childish they can behave with these things. I didn't expect Haikuan to be also involved in Childish bets.

"Where Zhan was, there was Yibo's gaze. If I didn't know how things were, I could swear Zhan is his fated mate." Yibo's dad said laughing. "When I told him about the plan to be fake mates and fake future Luna, his eyes twinkled. You could say he won the lottery." He said with a mouth full of laughs.

"Are you mad?" I ask slightly scared, because honestly I really don't want to upset the former alpha. His family behaved exemplary with me and surrounded me with love. I don't want to cause them any inconvenience just for the sake of my own happiness. Yibo looks at me suddenly and Wang James Huang says in a serious tone.

"Why would I be mad? My son is happy. I have been asking him for 5 years to choose a mate and not to wait. Life passes him by, maybe his fated mate is dead, or he/she has chosen a choosen mate and is living her quiet life while he sits and hopes in vain. I'm NOT upset, Zhan, on the contrary, I'm extremely happy with the way things went. Let Carmen Lee know and then you'll see how much happiness you brought in our lives. She and Jiyang are still making plans to get you two closer from the moment you set foot in our house."

"Alpha James Huang," I say humbly. "How can I ever reward you for the way you received me and surrounded me with your love?" And I feel my eyes fill with tears.

"I have some ideas, my dear. First of all, I want you to stop calling me Alpha James Huang. I'm James or if you ever think I deserve this name I'm "dad" because you're honestly like a son to me."

"Aha!" Jiyang shouted, mumbling happily, "I have a brother! Not that I'm not happy with you, Yibo, but I've always wanted a sassy bro. I can't wait to get home!" and leaves the lodge shouting "I'm going to get something to drink to celebrate this wonderful news!" and immediately disappears but we hear him chirping in the hallway.

"Until we get home, let's keep our feet on the ground," Haikuan says seriously. I think Beta Haikuan is perhaps the most serious man in the pack. Always pragmatic and with his head on his shoulders, I wonder if I've ever seen him laugh. He is always on the alert and always on the right track. He is so devoted that it is not surprising that he is still alone. All his time is devoted to pack security.

AFTER THE STORMS - YizhanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang