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Wang Yibo POV

The second part of the competition officially starts tomorrow. A competition that didn't even have to exist and I realize that Zhan is right and that this king of ours has a personal plan for him. When he proposed to Zhan to join him, my heart stopped for a few seconds. I thought Bichen, my wolf, was going crazy and I was constantly keeping myself from going to take Zhan in front of the king. Then everything calmed down and at the end of the day he was completely mine. This relationship offers me so much fulfillment that I don't need anything else in my life. 

I realize that although Zhan and I have been a real couple only for a week, we haven't had a first date yet and our romance was measured only by touches and loving words, but I want to give more. I want to pamper him and surround him with all the best things in this world so tonight I want to take him out on our first date.

I mindlink him: "Zhan ??!" 

"Oh my God, you scared me!" Zhan says, barely breathing. 

"Where are you? Why are you breathing so hard?" I ask him in a panic. 

"I am with Jiyang and ZhouCheng. We are in a kind of our meeting and you just came in with your boots" he tells me. 

"I hope you were talking about me and how much you love me," I tell him, lifting the ball to his net. 

"You wish!" Zhan tells me laughing. 

"Oh, Zhan, you wounded me" I say, trying to look hurt, but I burst out laughing. 

"Ohh, poor little alpha. Are you really hurt?" he asks me laughing. 

"I need special care tonight, will you take care of me, Zhan?" 

"It depends," Zhan says. 

"On what?" I ask him amused. 

"It depends on how much you show me that you love me," he tells me in a different tone. 

And if he were in front of me now, his cheeks would probably be red. That's what I love about him. Every time he tells me he loves me his eyes shine and his lips look like roses and his cheeks turn slightly pink. Emotion is read on his face whenever he tells me that he loves me. 

"If you put it that way, fine!" I tell. "Get ready by seven o'clock." 

"Ready for what?" he asks me slightly upset. 

"Ready for our first date, my dear little bunny. Be ready, tonight you will have your first romantic dinner and you will see that your man is worthy of your love." 

"Bo, you're worthy even without this romantic dinner, but I'd be lying not to admit that I can't wait for tonight" 

"I love you, Zhan. Be ready!" 

Tonight I will pamper Zhan and do my best to forget all the stupid things that happened today. I can't believe Ziyi provoked him into a duel. I've never been more frightened in my life, but when Zhan turned into a wolf, I knew we'd be together forever. I knew he would not lose and that he would win me over in front of the world. Yes, you heard right. Even though I willingly offered myself to him, today he has earned the right to belong to me in front of the whole world. After this day, no one will dare to say that Xiao Zhan doesn't love me or that Xiao Zhan is not worth. 

I head to my room and start preparing for the meeting with Zhan. Zhan isn't here, so I can only imagine he's still in Jiyang's room lining up some dresses at my brother's insistence, trying to enchant me tonight I don't even know when the hours passed and it was seven o'clock. All I wanted to do was to see Zhan faster, 

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