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My whole body hurts, I feel like my abdomen is actually torn to pieces. 

"Suibian?" but he doesn't answer me. 

"Suibian !!!!!" and all I hear is the sound of medical devices. No sign of Suibian. What happened to me?

I can barely open my eyes and look around. I try to cling to anything I know to figure out where I am, but nothing I see makes me realize where I could be. I'm connected to a bunch of wires and some medical devices, but I'm not even in the hospital. Do have dialysis? What the fuck is happening? What is this hideous place? Hunting trophies are hung all over the room. I try to get out of bed but it hurts too much. I can not stand up. The pain is unbearable. 

"Suibian!" I shout again. 

"No, no, no..." but before I start to despair I remember what happened. Wolfsbane and silver... I'm sorry Suibian, I know you hear me... It'll be fine! I put my hand on my belly and walk with my fingers over the massive bandages that I find. Whoever is behind what happened will pay dearly. But again, where the fuck am I? I have to get up and get out of here... I grab my hand by the edge of the bed and ignoring the unbearable pain, I try to get out of bed. 

Effectively I start to tremor in pain. I remember my life before Suibian when everything was as it is now. The pain was unbearable and I struggled every day with my wounds. If I could get up then, I can now. With great difficulty I can hardly stand up but I have to stop. I can not breathe because of the pain. But as soon as I close my eyes, trying to get together and somehow continue, the door to the room opens. 

"Good morning, your majesty!" says a man in his thirties who enters the room with a tray full of bandages and medicine. I look at him and analyze him carefully. He's not a rogue. He approaches me and puts his hand on my forehead. 

"You don't have a fever anymore," he tells me with a smile. 

"Where am I?" I ask him without caring what he says. 

He looks at me and smiles slightly at me, but I don't have time for talk and nonsense. I reach out to grab his neck. Big, big mistake! I immediately screamed in pain. The man immediately puts his hand to my mouth trying to stop my screaming. 

"Calm down, please, or he'll know you woke up!" he tells me a little panicked. I stare him in the eye and say slowly, gnashing my teeth. 

"I am asking you for the last time. Where am I? Who are you? And who the fuck is behind all this madness?" 

"First let me help you lie down again, then I'll tell you everything you want to know" the man said. And against my attempt to oppose him he manages to lie me down again in bed and put me in a comfortable position for me. Fucking shit! How did I get here? I can't even lift my hand without hurting myself. 

"Okay. I'm Li Bowen and I'm the king's doctor." I feel my eyes go out of my orbit of rage. And things start to connect in my mind and nothing that , the man continues to tell me shocks me anymore. I know exactly why I got here.

"On the other question. You're somewhere in Alaska, Honestly, I don't know exactly where we are either. It's a kind of holiday residence of the king, but no one will hear you here no matter how much you shout. So I suggest you don't start screaming. It's a waste of energy. We are in the middle of nowhere. And if you ran away from here, you probably wouldn't know where to go. I don't even know how to get out of here, we got here by boat. And with regard to the last question, I understand just looking into your eyes that you have already understood what is happening." I tremble with rage.

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