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Zhan POV

"You have a lifetime to figure out how to do this, Bo, my alpha, my chosen mate."

That's the last thing I said before I went to bed with Yibo. We both slept soundly. You just didn't think anything else had happened, little pervs!

Last night after confessing our feelings to each other, we decided to take things in a slow stride. To adapt to the situation and not rush love. If what we feel is really love, we want to take things easy, letting them happen in their time, we will have a stronger relationship. If in a week we feel it's time to mark each other or mate, let it be. That's exactly what we're going to do, but right now we need to discover each other in the light of the feelings we've shared. So last night all we did was sleep in each other's arms. And my dear ones, I can say with all my heart that it was the most perfect night of my life.

Last night was Chaos for Wang Yibo for controlling himself, when I discovered with amazement that Jiyang had played with my luggage. And what was supposed to be a luggage with sports clothes, for training and competition became the luggage for the honeymoon. Jiyang changed more than half of the clothes I had prepared with short skirts, skinny jeans, lots of tiny sweatshirts, sexy lingerie and even sexier pajamas as if we were going to do cosplay.

Last night, all I had to do was show up in front of Yibo, almost naked, because all the pajamas in my luggage were made of almost non-existent t-shirts like transparent and some tiny shorts. I can swear I could see the pieces of my ass. They are all made of silk. I feel like a Victoria Secrets model dressed like that, almost in bare skin... what can I say. I can't wait to meet Jiyang.

Finally, dressed like that, I appeared in front of Yibo, who was already waiting for me in bed, dressed only in a pair of navy shorts. I swear he's the sexiest specimen in life. Yibo is huge. 6.5 feets, brown hair and penetrating eyes that make me lose my temper every time he looks at me. And now he is naked, his hands raised at the nape of his neck, exposing his body in front of me. Each muscle looks sculpted on his abdomen. As soon as I appeared in front of him I saw him blush and close his eyes, puffing and muttering under his breath.

"Did something happen, Bo?" I asked innocently, blinking my eyes. I am just asking him to put straws on the fire because I know exactly what happened. The tent in front of his pants speaks for itself.

"We have an erection, we have an erection!" Suibian sang amused in my mind.

"Yeah, yeah, and that's all we're going to have tonight, my dear horny wolf!" I'm seriously thinking if my wolf has some shame in him.

"But are we going to waste such goodness today for sure?" says Suibian with a sigh as if he was missing a feast.

"Tomorrow is the first day of competition, I need to rest, not to feel sore for a whole day." I looked at Yibo with his eyes closed and he seemed to be holding his breath. I burst out laughing.

"You'll have to thank Jiyang for your torment." I tell him amused by his reaction. He's so red in the face that I think he's going to burst a vein.

Suddenly Yibo opens his eyes and looks at me in amazement, "What did Jiyang do?" he asks in astonishment.

"That," I say, pointing to the brief clothes I'm wearing, "is his work. So we can say that Jiyang is to blame for" showing him the swelling in front of his pants with my index finger "that thing you've been trying to cover for a few minutes. Jiyang walked in with my luggage and changed my clothes. I don't even know where half of the clothes in the suitcase came from because I didn't have them in the closet at home."

"I will have to thank him in this case, but Jiyang didn't buy them all. He just put them in the luggage." Yibo said.

"What?" I say shocked, "Who bought them?" I ask, rolling my eyes.

"That would be me!" says Yibo proudly.

"Why would you do this?" I ask in shock at his confession.

"It would have been a shame not to do so as long as I had the opportunity." Yibo said with a mischievous smile on his face.

"But, but ..." I say, already stammering me.

"No buts, come here until I dig into you and devour you on the spot" after telling that he immediately lies down and pulls me into bed next to him.

"Sleep, my dear little bunny, I can't think about anything but being stuck deep in you, and tomorrow you won't even be able to drag your feet." And he pulls me to bed next to him when i was in daze and blushing, he hugs me in a spoon position. "Sleep, Zhan, if you can."

I feel his muscles tensing at my touch when hugging him and through each muscle I think you know very well what I mean. I fell asleep with difficulty but as soon as I fell asleep I had the best sleep of my life. In the morning when I woke up I felt like I was sleeping on the fluffiest mattress in the universe. My insides felt soft as a marshmallow, and I was actually melting. It's so good I can't even open my eyes. Just my eyelashes fluttered trying to open my eyes.

"I know you're awake," I hear Yibo chuckle from under me.

I smiled and suddenly I thought 'Why is Yibo under me?' OH my goddess! I opened my eyes and immediately realized that I am actually scattered all over Yibo's body like an octopus. I sit on his chest with my head and legs spread over his feets, but next moment I want to dig a hole to the ground and hide because of shame is the fact that my right hand is over his manhood squeezing it with my hand like checking the fluffy ball.

Realizing what I'm doing, I jump immediately as if I had been burned, but instead of inadvertently landing on my side of the bed, I wake up on the floor.

"What the fuck, Zhan!" says Yibo in a panic. "What happened!"

"I'm sorry, Bo! I didn't want to touch you like that. I do not know what happened!" I say putting my hands over my face. I feel my ears get hot and I think I'm red from head to toe. I was totally embarrassed by my actions.

"Zhan, look at me," Yibo says, but I can't hear him. "Zhan" he called again and I felt my hands set aside and he looked at me.

"I would give anything to wake up like this every morning." says Yibo.

Then showing his body, he said "This is all yours. And you can touch me in any way you want. Touch me and use my body as you please."

I close my eyes and approach him, hugging him. "I love you, Bo! But everything is new to me. My only moment of intimacy with a man was a tragic one for me. Somehow I think this still affects me." I said sadly.

"I know Zhan, and that's why I want to go slow in this relationship, step by step, not to rush anything, to make you feel comfortable in my presence. To know that you love me, is enough at the moment."

"For the moment?" I ask, looking closely at him.

"I'm a man in need, Zhan, so right now, for the moment" He says with a laugh and looks at me proudly.

"Let's put something in this stomach of yours, because today is a long day waiting for you and I want to see my boyfriend smoking some warriors' asses." He says changing the subject.

"I love you, Bo!"

"I love you more little bunny!"

In this world, That moment was enough for me too, to know that I am loved by him and he will do anything for me.

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AFTER THE STORMS - YizhanUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum