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Someone once said that angels accompany us to the end and beyond the end. Somehow the angels do not double the providence, but realize it and fulfill it. 

"But who am I to think of angels?" Zhan kept wondering. 

As soon as Darren said goodbye to him, Zhan realized that his whole past was just a road to fulfilling a mission he didn't understand either. But after all that has happened to him and all the feelings today that have stirred his soul to the point of unbearability, Zhan has realized more than ever that he is far too small in this universe to oppose his fate. 

All the way to the Crescent Moon Pack, Yibo held him in his arms without saying a word. He doesn't understand many things that happened today but the certainty that Zhan is his fated mate makes him not care about anything. He looks at Zhan asleep in his arms. Wounded. Full of blood. Part of it is his blood. Part of Darren. He looks at his sleeping boy and only hopes that the love he has for him will be enough for him to overcome today's trauma. What Darren chosen to do for him... goddess... 

Darren has shown everyone that we are not strictly what nature and habit makes us, we are not the pure and simple expression of predestination, and once we get to a point there is always the possibility of changing course. 

"Yibo," Haoxuan says, looking at him as he holds Zhan in his arms and gently strokes his face.

"How are we going to make him forget what happened today? How are we going to forget what happened today?" 

"I don't know, Haoxuan ... I don't know." Says Yibo, looking blank. 

"I don't understand many things. Nothing that happened today is justifiable. The only logical gesture, after all, was Darren's. But everything that led to his gesture, all the madness of the last days is illogical. I am afraid, Haoxuan. For the first time in my life, I'm so damn scared."

"Everything will be fine, Yibo," says Haoxuan. 

"I am with you. Zhan loves you, you're going to have a baby and I can't believe you're mates, real mates. Not chosen. He is created for you." 

"I would wish to be able," Yibo said looking at Zhan, "to create a mechanism that delivers smiles all day. I would like to welcome everything in a continuous state of happiness, without interruption. I wish that life was not so complex. To live without resentment, never get upset ... I would like to live in the world like an angel, Haoxuan ... Whatever I can do to do it with a smile on my face." 

"I mean, transform yourself into a plant!" says Haoxuan, looking at me and smiling slightly "and you will accomplish everything you set out to do earlier". 

"Let's be realistic, Yibo! That's not how things work in our world! Loss is a constant part of a werewolf's life. Why are you talking about angels? Angels are like fairy tales invented by humans to feel good, to get their mental comfort." 

"Even so, Haoxuan, even so. I want to believe that beyond what happened today, there is something tangible, there is something so consistent that today's sacrifice was not in vain."

"Yibo, listen to me one last time," Haoxuan tells him. 

"Look at Zhan. He's just yours. He will recover. You will be parents, you will build your life together, you will live your dream. What do you want more than that?" 

And even if the answers are too early to be formulated and even if unhappy love should be erased from the register of love, the unhappy love must be quite ordinary, almost inevitable, and have their own will of tragedy and respectability. But those loves are not true loves: they are just the train to the final destination.

AFTER THE STORMS - Yizhanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें