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Everything hurts. Beyond my own pain, every particle of my body, my soul and my mind hurts. Everything in me is screaming for help, I feel like I'm dying but I know it's not my pain, I know it's not my fear. These are Darren's feelings and I feel them through our mate bond which is still intact. Half of the rejection is equal to zero if it is not accepted by both parties. 

"Make room!" I hear Yibo screaming and taking Darren after me. He looked around in panic. 

"Watch the area!" 

"Darren! Son!" shouted Wang Yi Zhou, actually falling to his knees next to me and Darren.

Feng Ming and Haoxuan place Darren and Yibo tries to lift me up but I can't think of anything right now. Darren saved my life! Darren fell to the ground because he stepped between me and Alpha King, and the claws that were meant to tear my heart out found another destination. 

"Darren ..." I say, falling to my knees beside him and crying. 

"Why did you do that for?" I ask him crying. 

"Zhan, you are my mate... my fated mate... and I would do anything to know you're okay" 

"No, you didn't have to do anything, Darren!" I say nervously. 

"How can I live if you're hurt because of me?" and I start crying out loud.

"Zhan ..." Darren says trying to stand a little and touch me but he immediately screams in pain and starts coughing and spitting blood. 

"Bowennnnn!" I yell. 

"Yibo, bring Bowen!" 

"I love you, Zhan!" says Darren, and I see tears streaming down his cheeks. 

"Dad..." He says looking at Wang Yi Zhou. 

"I'm so sorry I couldn't make you proud of me. I was so wrong." 

"Darren, son ..." says Alpha Wang Yi Zhou, stroking his forehead, "Rest!" 

"Make room!" Yibo shouted, "Make room!" and immediately Bowen sits down next to Darren and starts checking on him but after he looks at his chest he stops. 

Darren looks him in the eye and smiling, says: "Don't be sad, Doctor!"

"I will give you something for the pain," says Dr. Bowen and starts to inject something in his vein. 

"Zhan," says Yibo, "let's go, you can't stay here. It's dangerous and stressful. Please.." 

"Yibo! If you say one more word, you will return home without me. I know you love me and I want you to be sure that I love you, but at this moment, at this moment, my fated mate is with whom I am still attached through bond mate and to whom I am feeling all the suffering. Don't you dare to tell me not to stress. What I feel now I do not want anyone to feel in this life." 

"Zhan," Yibo tells me in shock. 

"He's right, Yibo," says Wang James Huang. 

"You can't understand, but let him say goodbye. Try not to remember anything that will happen here today. But give Darren the right to hold his mate's hand in the last moments, his mate for whom he gave his life so that he would live happily with you. Don't be selfish, Yibo.".

Darren starts coughing again and it seems harder and harder for him to talk, but he looks me in the eye and seems to want to say so many things. 

"You'll be a mother, Zhan," he says, holding out my hand and lightly touching my belly, and I feel my 'heart tighten.

AFTER THE STORMS - YizhanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon