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"You spoiled rotten brat," says Carmen Lee as soon as she sees my mark on my neck. 

"How could you mark him before his Luna ceremony? You ruined all the fun!" 

"Don't say I didn't tell you," Jiyang says, chuckling and taking me by the arm and leading me to a living room couch that is so comfy. 

"I do not see the meaning of waiting. He is my mate, he is pregnant with my pup and all the pack knows that he will be my luna. What's the point of waiting ?! It's not like he is some virgin who is waiting for his wedding night." says Yibo, trying to justify his actions. 

I look at him and I can't believe he could say such nonsense. If a glance could kill Yibo, he would now be buried so deep that not even the most skilled miners could find him. Cao Yuchen's starts laughing looking at me. 

"What's so funny?" asks Yibo, looking straight at him. 

"Ohhh... Yibo... you are so, so ... but so, so dead right now!" Cao Yuchen says, holding his belly and laughing. 

"What do you want to say?" Yibo asks. 

"Maybe you want to look back and take a look at our wonderful luna and I'm sure you'll understand." 

Yibo turns and looks at me and whitens his face. Yep, he knows that he is dead! 

"Love, are you feeling well?" says Yibo, approaching me and reaching out to take me in his arms, but he doesn't take a chance to do anything because I stand up and signal to him to stay away. Jiyang immediately reacted and stood up next to me. 

"Some fucking virgin that waits for his wedding night, huh?" I ask angrily. 

"Thank you, Yibo. Just thank you" I said and walked away from the living room with Jiyang by my side. 

"Zhan!" he shuts after me but I ignore him. Of all the nonsense he could say, that's all he found. 

"Just leave me alone, Yibo," I tell him and go upstairs with Jiyang to his room. 

"Are you really mad at him?" Jiyang asks me, slightly panicked. 

"No," I say with a laugh, "I agreed to be marked and I'm glad he did, but this idiot could find another excuse in front of your mother. He has to learn to keep his mouth shut sometimes." 

"Zhan" says Jiyang looking into my eyes. "I just love you more! You are kind of another version of myself!" 

And we both laugh. I mindlink Zhuocheng and ask him to come to Jiyang's room. It's time for our boys meeting. I missed them so much in the last two weeks. Zhuocheng is coming and he is a little bit sad. 

"Hey, what happened?" I ask him in shock. 

"I feel like squeezing his neck," says Zhuocheng, sitting on the super fluffy rug in Jiyang's room in a lotus position. 

"Liu Haikuan's neck?" Jiyang asks, looking at him as if the answer is obvious. 

"Who else?" says Zhuocheng. 

"What else did this savage of Liu Haikuan do?" 

"He didn't do anything, that's the problem!" says Zhuocheng nervously. 

"I don't understand," I tell him, looking at him seriously. 

"Ever since I told him I was pregnant, he's been treating me like I'm in a crystal ball. Okay, I'm pregnant, okay we'll have twins. Ok, I have to be careful because I'm already halfway through pregnancy and I can give birth at any time with this multiple pregnancy... but I want to live! And he won't let me do anything." says Zhuocheng nervously. 

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 12 ⏰

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AFTER THE STORMS - YizhanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ