Chapter 75: Micah

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Once I'm on the roof, I try to take in the surroundings of the house, I see a fence on either side, the houses on either side look run down really. It's yellow and you can see the cracks in the white window sills from here. The fence is bent on the sides closest to the houses, and the houses on the sides look identical except for color, those are both white. I try to take in any movement in the house and I see a figure which I am assuming is Pete on the bottom floor, I see two people in the window up on the top floor. The house has one window on the top floor, the other two on the bottom on either side of the front door and the two people are young men, like the ones I shot in my apartment in the middle window.

"There is only three. We still going stealth?" Knuckles questions and I nod.

"Yes, we have no idea if there are other people and I would like to get out of here without a gun shot." I quip and one of his eyebrows lift.

"Alright no argument there. Are we going in through the top or bottom?" He asks.

"Yeah, there is only two of us, best if we stick close." I do a once over of the house once more, and I come to the conclusion that the second floor may just be an attic. "That top floor is an attic, it has to be." I mutter.

"I say we go through the top." He mutters, and I nod.

"If I'm right about it being an attic, I want to go through the top too." I agree, we both start climbing down the ladder we just used to get up here and we start going around the house to the left of Pete's from where we are standing.

I let Knuckles go first he goes to the right of the house and I go left, when I get to the other side of the street and almost start to jump over the fence, I hear a whistle. I back up and see him pointing to where he is, I follow him, when I get to him, I see there is a small opening between this houses fence and Pete's. So, I follow him through, and see the back half of Pete's backyard is covered in wooden fence about ten feet tall. When we walk out front between the gap in the fences we scan the back, I see a tower of junk, scrap metal and a metal trash can stacked behind the fence.

"Someone may have been sneaking out?" Knuckles whispers.

"Maybe." I agree walking up to the piles.

"You want me to check it out?" He asks and I nod. He jumps up onto the trash can, and I see him scan the yard from his left to right before jumping back down. "Small dining room and kitchen on the left, on the right is a bedroom. I didn't see anyone, bedroom has a window low enough to get in without setting alarm, there is no backdoor." He explains.

"What about the second floor?" I question.

"Attic window similar to the front in the middle, there is some junk piled up looks like whoever has been using this has been escaping through the attic." He answers. "Would be easy to climb it into the attic." He reasons.

"Okay you go through the bedroom window; I'll go into the attic." I reason.

"Alright." He answers.

"Knuckles you're bigger stronger than Pete, I am going to kill the two up top I want you to tie up Pete and wait." I order.

"Got it." He blurts and darts over the fence before I can say another word.

I peek over the fence and wait until he opens the bedroom window and makes it inside, I slowly go over the fence and see the pile he was talking about. I scan over the pile and figure out the fastest, but quietest way to get up to the second floor and I climb it. I hug the side of the window out of sight, but I peer around scanning the inside, I see it's a makeshift bedroom, no one inside. A bed over to the left, a door to the right of the window, and posters along the wall.

I look at the latch in the middle of the window and sure enough, it's unlocked, I slowly slide the window up hearing just a silent scratching sound as I slide it up. Almost like nails on a chalkboard, I grab the windowsill and swing my legs around getting them inside. I slide across the desk in front of the window and stand in the makeshift bedroom. I don't have time to scan the room, so I make my way over the door and see there's no doorknob just a latch for when someone is inside. I pull the door open slowly; the hinges look new so it makes no noise.

"She has to be dead by now, right?" I hear a whisper.

"I don't know but Pete's pacing, he's real nervous." I hear hushed whispers from the other room.

"Yeah, but we've been planning this, he would know if that Skinner idiot was up to something." I almost scoff, at that.

"That gets thrown out when he cuts contact with Skinner." The guy points out. I get my gun out of the back of my pants and slowly open the door.

"Yeah, pretty sure, Pete wouldn't know what Skinner was up to." I quip stepping out the room my gun raised. The guys look startled before the look disappears into a pissed off look.

"Who are you? How did you get in?" The guy on the left quips. Dressed in a red jacket, black pants, go on the right dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans. They look like brothers almost like twins.

"Haven't you heard?" I ask and they arch a brow.

"Look fucker I don't know who you are or what you are doing here but..." He trails off looking at the floor.

"Can't come up with anything?" I quip and they scoff. "Who were you just talking about?" I ask and the guy on the left looks back up at me.

"Skinner?" He questions, and I smirk a big grin coming across my face.

"Bingo." I remark, and they both have shocked looks on their faces before they both dart at me. 

Sincerely, SOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora