Chapter 38: Taylor

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He starts thrusting his tongue in me, sucking my clit between his teeth, he puts my thigh on his shoulder opening me up more to his touch. I keep my hands against the wall, I look down at him between my legs and moan. He looks up at me meeting my gaze and smirks at me, he pinches my clit between his fingers and I whimper.

"Tell me how you feel, Kitten." He orders and I open my mouth but nothing comes out as he thrusts his tongue in me.

"Master." I whisper and he groans the vibration against my center nearly making me come. "Can I touch you?" I ask and he looks back up at me.

"Yes, Kitten." He answers and I put my hands in his hair when he starts kissing me there once more. Thrusting his tongue in me before sucking my clit, over and over. Thrust, flick, thrust, flick, my legs start to shake but he puts his arm around the back of my leg to support me a little more.

"Master." I moan out, he groans against me sucking my clit between his teeth make me see stars.

My actions disappear from me, as I revel in my high. I feel a towel being wrapped around me and I feel his arms around me carrying me.

"Kitten, you fell." He tells me.

"Micah." I try to start but he cuts me off with a look.

"I caught you. You're ok, Kitten." He eases my worries. "When did you last eat?" He asks and I sigh.

"Micah, I'm fine." I tell him but he shakes his head, he puts me on the bed. I raise up and watch him go over to his dresser he puts on boxers and he walks to me with a t-shirt in his hand.

"You're not fine." He pushes, I lift my arms and he slips the t-shirt over my head. "When did you last eat?" He asks again and I sigh.

"Where's my phone?" I ask and he goes back to his dresser before giving it to me, standing in front of me. I flip through my phone; I look at the book I was reading and swipe looking through the books I've read comparing them to the time.

"Interesting books, Kitten." He chimes and makes me shiver.

"I like them." I whisper. I see one of the books I've read and grimace looking back up at him. "Had to be about six hours ago?" I question and he shakes his head.

"Kitten, come on." He says and I grab his hand before he can step away.

"I'm fine, Micah. You need to sleep." I tell him and he sighs running his hand through his hair.

"Kitten come on." He says again and I shake my head. He picks me up throwing me over his shoulder before I can blink.

"Micah." I say nervousness coming in to my voice.

"Kitten, I told you to come." He says and he bends over putting me on a stool. "Sit there." He orders. He goes over to the fridge and pulls out a salad, I bought earlier today. He puts it in front of me and a fork, I don't ask any questions or say anything and quietly eat as he watches me. He fills a glass of water and puts it in front of me.

"I told you to do something." He says and I look up at him meeting his gaze. "Twice, that means two." He says and it clicks what he means.

"Understood, Master." I quip.

"I understand you're worried about me, Kitten. I will sleep after I know you're okay." He says and I nod. "What did you do today?" He asks and I take a sip of my water.

"I ordered in from a diner, and read books all day." I answer and he arches a brow.

"How many?" He asks and I smirk.

"Three. Well, I read two and almost finished the third one." I tell him. I push away the bowl and drink the last of my water he takes it throwing the plastic away putting the glass in the sink.

"Kitten, come on." He says and this time I get up following him we get back to his room and he sits on the edge of his bed. "Over my knee." He orders and I feel my clit start to throb as I walk closer to him. I drape myself across his lap, and he pulls the shirt over my ass.

"Master." I moan, feeling my body responding to him.

"Kitten, why are you being punished?" He asks.

"Because I didn't follow you." I answer. His hand comes down onto me and I moan. "One." I chime. His hand comes down once more and the sound echoes through the room as it all goes to my clit making me throb. "Two." I count. He pulls down my shirt and I stay in place; he leans down kissing the side of my head.

"Good girl." He coos. "Stand up." He orders, and when I do so he picks me up his hand on my shoulder other arm under my legs bridal style and lays me down in bed. He circles the bed and I turn over he wraps his arms around me bringing me to his chest.

"Goodnight, Micah." I whisper, he kisses my neck.

"Goodnight, Kitten." When he says that I fall asleep instantly. 

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