Chapter 67: Taylor

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The way there I start to get nervous, and he makes small talk with me to get me through it, I know that's why, but I talk anyway. When we get there, I feel the butterflies come back full force and he gets out of the car and runs to my side. He opens the car door and kneels in front of me, he kisses me before I can say anything and I feel everything fade away in an instant, I feel this rage in my chest and he pulls away slowly.

"Breathe Kitten." He orders and he holds out his hand, I take it slowly and we walk to the front door. The bar is red, which is suitable no name on the door like it's hidden we walk in, and I lower my gaze to our hands.

"Hello, Sir. Welcome back." A very feminine voice chimes and I see her shoes come into my line of sight, blue heels, they're cute. The skirt is black, like a pencil skirt, she has very pale skin. "And who might this be?" She questions.

"This is Taylor." He chimes.

"Well, she is very well trained." She quips and I feel her look me over, I feel her eyes glaze over me, but nothing but a hint of nervousness comes through for me. "Taylor my name is Matrix." She talks to me, and I look up.

"It's nice to meet you." I whisper, and she smiles. She has brown wavy hair; she looks so gorgeous with her blue top.

"Right back at you. I own this club if there's anything I can do for you let me know." She demands.

"Yes Ma'am." I smile and she smirks back at me. She arches a brow at Micah, who's smirking back at her.

"She's the first to get that right. If you don't keep her, I will." She teases and he tightens his hold on my arm.

"I'm afraid I won't be letting her go." He chimes and she steps back to the doors behind her, both black she opens one and I hear silent music waving through.

"I don't blame you, enjoy your night. I have to go back to my office." She says and Micah steps through the doors.

"I forgot to tell you about her." He whispers.

"Once she told me her name was Matrix, it fell into place." I whisper and he chuckles.

"That's my girl." He praises and I feel a rush of heat go through me; I lower my gaze to the floor and we walk past several table I catch feet around us before we hit open ground. We walk through the room before we hit a round table and I see several men's feet surrounding it.

"Skinner, haven't seen you here in a while." A guy chimes and Skinner tightens his hold on me almost like he's getting tense.

"Didn't think I'd see you here." He mutters.

"Nonsense, this is neutral ground we're friends here." The guy chimes and I see feet move telling me his standing up from his chair. "Who is this pretty little thing?" He questions and I feel a wave of unsteadiness rush through me and this low gut feeling settles in.

"Martin this is my Sub, Taylor." He introduces but I feel it's more like a warning right to me.

"There is no way this young thing is yours." The guy teases, I feel his gaze wash over me and it feels like I need a shower after it.

"Back off, Martin. Like you said we are friends here." A guy stands up the voice familiar and Martin steps away from me.

"Alright then." Martin mutters and sits down; Micah turns and I turn with him but I see another set of footsteps beside him. We walk until the room is just a little darker and I realize we are in a corner.

"Kitten, you know Knuckles." Micah speaks and I look up.

"Hey." I greet Knuckles.

"Hey." He whispers.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Micah asks him and Knuckles shrugs.

"I was playing cards with a friend, and he just sat down. Hasn't said much. Sorry about him doing that." Knuckles looks at me.

"Jesus that was creepy." I mutter and they both chuckle.

"Taylor I really hate to do this, but I need to go speak with him, maybe get Matrix to get rid of him for me." Micah chimes and I nod.

"Of course." I whisper and he kisses my forehead.

"Can you look after her?" He asks Knuckles who nods.

"Go, I know how dangerous he can be." Knuckles orders, Micah walks away and Knuckles steps closer to me. "Listen, that guy he is the worst of the worst, he has done more to women than we can pin on him at clubs." He whispers.

"Are you serious?" I question.

"Yes, unfortunately. He'll get a sub into his web and take them to a room and go past their limits, he doesn't care." He tells me.

"Why is he here?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I guess Matrix doesn't know about him, but she is about to." He answers. "I get you're wondering why I'm here." He chuckles and I smirk.

"It's up there." I chime and he takes my hand.

"Let's go sit." He orders and I follow him to a booth, we both sit on one side. "I'm keeping myself close until Skinner gets back." He whispers.

"I know. I feel safe." I tell him.

"I'm a sub." He tells me and I arch a brow. I look him over, looking at his bulging muscles and his jacket showing him off, much like Micah's.

"Didn't take you for that type." I whisper and he chuckles.

"After a long day, of doing what I do I like to surrender in the bedroom. So, I'm here looking for a dom." He tells me. "I'm into guys." He says and I arch a brow.

"Now you're talking." I blurt and he laughs. 

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