Chapter 16: Skinner

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I was busy torturing this guy, he killed one of my men, and I needed to know why but I haven't gotten any answers out of him. He killed Neal, and I need to know why he killed the guy with a wife and two kids. I landed another punch when the doors behind me banged open revealing Blondie. He had two more men behind him and I arched a brow.

"What is it?" The guy in front of me coughs up more blood, he has to have cracked ribs, broken ankles, almost all of his fingers are broken. His jaw is swollen and eyes are just about swollen shut, his head shaved.

"Laundry service." He mutters and I nod.

"It's going to be a while, no info yet." I speak and the two guys walk back out of the room. Blondie walks to me and crosses his arms.

"You've been with him a while." He quips and I take a deep breath, I take off my gloves and take a swig of water.

"So what?" I grab the guy's hair and take out his gag. "Why did you kill one of my men?" I ask.

"What do you care about one man in your ranks?" He asks and I backhand him.

"Wrong answer." I chime putting the gag back in his mouth.

"I dropped off some of your stuff in your apartment, are you sure about her?" He asks and I nod immediately.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?" I take my knife and cuts across the guy's chest and he tries screaming around the gag.

"Just wondering if you think she can put up with you in your moods." He quips and I turn to him moving my hair to the side.

"I think she can." I kick the guy in the ankles and he screams, I remove the gag once more. "You going to answer me now?" I ask.

"I did it because his wife thought he was cheating, she paid me too." He gasped out and I was in awe I turned back to Blondie.

"On it." He speaks then leaves the room.

"Is there any way you can prove it?" I ask seething, he nods to his clothes over on the table.

"Phone." He answers and I go to his phone and only see one conversation I click on it, and see they have been talking for months, there are texts mentioning where she was saving money to do this. I look back at him and shove it in his face.

"Thanks." I quip I pull out my gun with the silencer and shoot him between the eyes, some blood gets on my face but I don't care. I put down the glove and gun on the table, leaving the room I motion to the laundry service. "Done." I speak and they nod walking past me. Blondie comes out of the hallway and gives me a towel and I look down at my clothes.

"She's coming tomorrow, you have been in there with him all night." He chimes and I arch a brow. "It's ten o'clock dude go home." He points out and I am shocked.

"Really?" I ask and he shoves a phone in my face.

"You have tortured and killed two men today, you've spent your entire day on them, they were hard to break no big deal." He moves the phone and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Go home." He orders and I nod.

"Men, don't need to work for the next three days. Tell the wife to come in after his funeral." I say knowing it's this weekend.

"Done then." Blondie quips and I catch a hint of a smirk as I turn headed for the elevator.

On my drive home I zone out and what I've done sets in. I killed two men today, the one that was trying to cover for the other and the actual killer. I am pissed, covered in blood and sweat; I am furious with Neal's wife. How could she do this to him? I hit the wheel and walk up to my apartment and throw open the door, storming off to my bedroom. I strip really quick and jump into my shower and lean against the wall my forehead against it.

"Micah." I hear a small voice and I look up before seeing blood around my feet.

"Go away Taylor." I remark turning around.

"What happened today?" She asks and I hear the door click open, I keep my gaze fixated on my feet.

"Taylor, go away." I seethe I hear her hand meet my shoulder and I jerk away and she flinches like I've slapped her.

"I am not leaving." She speaks and I back her into the wall.

"Taylor, you have no idea, what you are dealing with right now." I seethe and the next thing I see is red, I breathe to try to calm myself down and when I open my eyes, I am still standing in front of her and I am grateful I didn't hurt her.

"I think I know." She nods before her hand moves to my hair, I find myself melting into her touch and I arch a brow at her. She pulls away looking confused.

"No one has been able to do that." I whisper, and before she can speak, I steal her lips in a kiss. I feel my cock harden and I pull away biting her lip until it bleeds.

"Been able to do what?" She asks and I run my thumb over her bottom lip.

"Make the beast go away." I whisper and she arches a brow. "I saw red, a minute ago, I thought I would hurt you but you made me calm down." I spoke and she showed me a small smile.

"I kissed you." She whispered and I arch a brow.

"I honestly don't remember you doing that." I gasp and she motions for me to turn around, she grabs a loofa and starts washing me. "You don't have to do this." I whisper and she puts a finger over my lips.

"You had a bad day, we all have them, shut up." She teases and I smile before remembering what I've done.

"Taylor..." I trail off and she meets my gaze. "I killed two people today." I blurt and she stills before shrugging and stepping behind me. 

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