Chapter 47: Taylor

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 I must have dozed off because when I opened my eyes, he tightened his hold on my waist. He moaned adjusting and his breathing was even, he was asleep too. I turn over very slowly when he relaxes, and I look him over his hair hovering over his eyes, his face relaxed, his lips parted, he looks like a wet dream. I put my head on his chest and close my eyes trying to go back to sleep because I feel a bit drained.

"Kitten, are you okay?" I hear him stir and I kiss his chest.

"Yes, I'm okay. I didn't mean to fall asleep." He opens his eyes and meets my gaze.

"I didn't either." He teases and I smirk. His phone rings and he groans answering it. "Hello?" He turns back arching a brow.

"Blondie!?" He sits up straight, he puts the phone on speaker.

"Hey, I'm fine. Actually, I am at Bucky's house, on his landline. Listen Skinner, I saw Pete before he took off. He didn't seem right, he seemed pissed at the world." He sighs and Micah arches a brow.

"What do you mean?" He asks and Blondies sighs again.

"Just make sure you can trust him, alright. He didn't seem right, he said something about you I couldn't catch then stormed off." Blondie explains.

"I'll deal with him." Micah speaks.

"I know, you always do. I got to go." I hear the phone click, Micah sighs running his hands through his hair.

"Why did you put it on speaker?" I ask and he smirks at me.

"I know you have been worried about Blondie." He answers and I smile at him. "I got to deal with Pete." He whispers.

"How will you if you don't know what is wrong?" I ask before I can stop myself.

"I can give him a call or wait until he comes back to work, tie him to a chair and force him." He quips. I arch a brow shrugging.

"I guess so." I whisper. He looks at the time and groans.

"I need to go." He groans.

"Why now?" I ask.

"I told Knuckles I'd be in early to let him off for a while." He rolls over putting his feet on the floor. "I don't do that for many people, but I can't trust many of my men with these guys." He stands up.

"Why not?" I raise up. He walks out of the room, but I stay still and a moment later he is standing at the foot of my bed getting dressed.

"Because some of them are too passionate and kill them quick." He remarks. "The other half don't give a damn get too cocky and get hurt." He remarks.

"Well, what do they do?" I ask and he arches a brow.

"Whatever they get told to do, if they don't, they die." He quips.

"Why?" I ask and he arches a brow.

"Can't have any loose ends, Kitten." He sighs. "Other than my inner circle no one sees my face." He says and I arch a brow.

"Unless they are dying." I say and he smirks.

"Now you're getting it." He points at me now fully dressed, he walks to me and kisses my forehead. "I'm sorry Kitten." He whispers and I shake my head.

"It's okay. I understand, go." I tell him.

"I'll try to make it back." He whispers and I nod. He gives me a quick peck on the lips before walking out the door. I listen closely hearing his footsteps fade before I hear the front door click. I'm alone again, an idea pops into my head and I call Micah.

"Hey." I speak when I hear the phone click.

"Kitten." He greets and I can hear his smirk. I roll over grab my bottle of water taking an herb used for sleep and relaxation.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I want to go to sleep but I just wanted to be on the phone with you, if that's okay?" I whisper, rolling over. I put my phone on charge and set it beside my head.

"Of course, baby." He remarks, and I sigh zoning out fairly quickly. 

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