Chapter 26: Taylor

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 I don't know what got into me when he told me that, but I knew immediately I care for that man, probably too much. I would never hurt him, just like he would never hurt me, I don't think he will, I get my music out ready to dance. He said tonight I'm sure he wants to do other things; I'll dance until it's time for me to get ready. I put on a thong, his t-shirt over it.

I brush my hair; I always keep leave in conditioner in it so it's easier for me to brush and when I look in the mirror, I decide to dance with it down. I press play and 'Tainted Love' comes on, I walk over to the pole and relax. I let the music take me as I wrap my legs around the pole and swing around it the rest of my actions blur as I dance, I close my eyes. When the music fades away I stop and open my eyes facing the bed, I slow my breathing.

"You were amazing." I hear a deep voice and I gasp turning to face Micah.

"Micah." I gasp and he walks to me.

"I want to spend the day with you." He tells me and I arch a brow.

"I thought." I stop myself.

"Thought what?" He asks smirking at me.

"Nothing." I smile at him.

"Dance." He orders and walks behind me; I turn around seeing him sit on my bed.

"What?" I gape at him.

"Dance for me." He says once more, I walk over to the playlist.

"Okay." I quip and I close my eyes willing myself to relax as my hand hovers over the iPad, I pick a song at random. I walk back to the pole and see him smirking at me. "You're making me nervous." I whisper and his smirk widens into a smile.

"Don't worry about me being here, just dance." He says and I nod, I close my eyes and when I hear the queue I start moving again. Sometimes, I don't know what I am doing, or what I have done when I dance, my actions just flow from me and all I feel is the music. When the music stops I face him and see him looking at me with such admiration in his eyes. "Kitten, you're so beautiful." He gets up walking to me.

"You didn't come in here to watch me dance, Micah." I rasp and he smirks.

"I was going to ask you what was wrong." He says and I nod.

"Nothing's wrong just, I just wanted you to know I would never hurt you." I whisper looking down at the floor. His phone starts ringing in his pocket and he sighs, he takes it out then looks up at me.

"I have to take this." He whispers and I nod, he puts the phone up to his ear walking away from me. He stops at the front door. "What the fuck?!" He sounds alarmed, and my stomach starts curling into knots.

"What happened?" I ask and he turns back to me looking so scared.

"Bail him out." He orders then he sighs. "I don't care if it costs one mil bail him out!" He screams then hangs up the phone.

"Micah." I call out and he walks to me.

"They got Blondie again, trying to pin him with the murders from last time plus a shit more." He whispers looking at me, but he's not looking at me. He's not there.

"Micah." I reach out and he grabs my hand.

"Kitten, how do I stop this?" He lets go of my hand.

"What can I do?" I ask and he grimaces.

"That's the thing, we can't go on our date. I have to go orchestrate pick up and drop offs of food, money I'm owed, and some other things." He explains.

"Can I go with you?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Here's the thing, I have to go pick up men, men that have hurt women." He explains and it clicks.

"I can still go." I tell him.


"Please." I beg.

"You're staying right beside me." He orders and I nod. "You need to dress in black." He instructs.

"Done." I speak, he kisses me on the lips.

"Okay." He sighs. "Kitten, I'm sorry if you don't like what you see of me." He whispers.

"I've seen the part that matters." I mutter back. 

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