Epilogue - Part 1

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2 years later

"I am breaking up with them!" Jimin exclaimed angrily and crossed arms on his chest.

"Jimin you can't-"

"I can and I will, Jungkook! This is final, I am gonna break up with them. And nobody will stop me!" Jimin stormed to the door, to be stopped by Jin who stepped in front of him.

"Literally everyone will stop you."


"I'm telling you this one last time Jimin, you aren't breaking up with your boyfriends on your wedding day."

Jimin just pouted harder, glaring up at his calm hyung. "How could they tell the staff not to give me any sweets?" The male looked at empty buffet with teary eyes. "They don't care about me! I can't marry them!"

Jin rolled his eyes at Jimin's dramatic ass. He was like this for past three days. The fiances had decided to take some time separately from each other until the big day. However, Jimin found those three days the longest and the most boring in his life. He bugged his friends non-stop.

"Stop exagerrating everything! You know why your boyfriends don't allow you eat sweets at such important day. You'll become overexcited. We don't need that at wedding."

Jin glanced at a clock which showed that it was left less than an hour. Honestly, Seokjin couldn't wait for the wedding to be over. Jimin's mood swings were too exhausting for him.

"Hey! I need sugar to function properly. They know this! No, I really can't marry them. I'm doing mistake..."

Jungkook and Jin shared a look, the athlete begging his hyung to deal with whining Jimin. The older nodded, grabbing the groom's shoulders and startling him a little bit.

"You're right, Chim. Let's get out of here. This is mistake. Let's run away. What do you say?"

Jimin's brows furrowed, not liking what Jin was saying. He wiggled out of the older's grip, throwing bewildered look at him.

"What's wrong with you Kim Seokjin? I'm not leaving my men at our wedding day. I love them more than anyone in this world!"

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear. You're marrying the loves of your life. Be grateful you little brat. Now get a grip of yourself and get ready to walk down the aisle. And don't forget to repeat your vow."

Jimin huffed, biting back a smile. He knew that he was acing like a troublemaker but he couldn't help it. He was just soooooo nervous. His lifelong dream became true. Jimin met his soulmates and was going to marry them. Well, the ceremony wasn't official because it was impossible for three people to marry each other in any part of this world, but despite this, throuple wanted to do something meaningful in their relationship. They wanted to have a small wedding just for themselves and their closest friends.

That's why Yoongi rented a private island where all of them currently were. It was refreshing and relaxing for celebrities to have gateway far from cameras and noisy fans. That was something all of them needed.

Much had changed for past two years.

Hoseok, Yoongi and Jimin finally admitted to the world that they were in polyamorous relationship over a year ago. And it went much worse than any of them imagined. The hate that they got for such unordinary type of relationship was too overwhelming. Yoongi and Hoseok nearly completely lost the title of people's favorite celebrities. Instead they became the most judged people in showbusiness.

Despite this, no one managed to replace them. Hoseok was still the highest paid model in Korea, while Yoongi remained the owner of most successful entertainment company. They were the best in what they did and no one could deny this. Even though their haters did everything to take the couple down completely, they didn't manage to do it since their real fans soon came around after astonishing news. There still were people who supported them for their talent and professionalism. Those fans continued showing their support even after many turned their back on Hoseok and Yoongi.

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