Chapter 21 🔞

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"Jiminie? What happened? Why are you all drenched?" Hoseok bombarded the younger with questions as soon as he saw Jimin soaked from head to toe. He quickly yanked the male inside his penthouse and ran upstairs to bring some towels.

Meantime, Yoongi made his way towards the male who just stood still in the hall, not to dribble the floor more than he already did. The blonde instantly caught that something was wrong. Jimin was obviously upset, he looked like a hurt puppy.

"Hey baby, is something wrong?" He tilted the younger's head up to look into his glassy eyes. "What happened Minnie?"

Jimin just shook his head refusing to answer the male. He tried to look away, but Yoongi's grip on his chin tightened, the older wasn't having it. "Don't be like this, Jimin. I can see that something is wrong, just tell me what's the matter baby."

"Yoongi, it's nothing..."

"Come here, Minnie!" Hoseok interrupted the younger mid-sentence as he returned with bunch of colorful towels and wrapped them all around the makeup artist. "You must be cold sweetie. Look, your hands are freezing!" He brought Jimin's small hands to his mouth and started blowing warm air onto them.

"I'll turn on heating." Yoongi headed to the air conditioning, while Hoseok helped the younger to waddle towards the couch. He was thoroughly wrapped in fluffy towels, with only his face and hands peeking out, so the male could barely move on his own.

"Oh, wait here, I'll make you hot chocolate!"

Not that Jimin could leave even if he wanted, but he still nodded to Hoseok who happily made his way to the kitchen. After just fifteen minutes, Jimin felt much better. Hot chocolate indeed helped, he wasn't freezing anymore and now he had to face his disturbed lovers. The couple let him to take his time to come to senses and warm up, however, it was obvious that they were waiting for Jimin's explanation.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't really thinking when I ran here under the rain. I don't know what's wrong with me. It was so stupid." Jimin mumbled, ashamed of his behavior. He really had no idea why he did it. He wasn't in fucking k-drama and his problems wouldn't get magically solved if he got soaked under the rain just to see his lovers.

"Nothing is wrong with you baby. I'm sure something has happened. You know that you can tell us anything, right?" Hoseok gently caressed Jimin's face as they sat on the sofa, with the model clinging to the younger as if he was glued to him. Yoongi just sat on their opposite, observing the two wordlessly.

Jimin closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he thought about what to say. He had never been this conflicted before. Neither Yoongi, nor Hoseok could do anything in that situation. The damage had already been done and there was no way out of it. To be honest, this relationship was bound to end up like this from the beginning. Jimin always knew that. And now, he had to do everything to protect people for whom he wholeheartedly cared.

"Before I met you, I used to admire the connection you two had. I worshiped your relationship because you looked so crazy in love. And then I stumbled upon you in real life and learnt that you indeed share the most beautiful and breathtaking love anyone can dream of. I really wished to find someone who would look at me the way you guys look at each other. I still do..."

Hoseok and Yoongi glanced at one another, confusion evident in their eyes. What was all of that about? Why did Hoseok have bad feeling about it?

"Do you think, I will ever experience something as magical as you two have?" Jimin asked in a small voice.

As Yoongi heard the younger's question, he saw red. The male barely restrained himself from storming to Jimin and hammering it into his head that he didn't fucking need anyone else, that no one was allowed to touch him but Yoongi and Hoseok. Unfortunately, he had no right to do that. Jimin wasn't his boyfriend, unlike Hoseok. Yoongi couldn't be all possessive with the makeup artist no matter how much it angered him that Jimin was already thinking about finding someone else.

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